any specific brands better then others?
By the way im passing on thos perculas from a private seller, The guy i get all my stuff from is hooking me up with some fish and corals on thursday night or friday morning.
Fish- Clown (true or false), firefish (if he has them)
corals - he said he has pink zenia frags, mushrooms, leathers, Zoos( be in on saturday) , riccordia (orange , will be in next week)
snails - nassarius snails ( next week)
Plus im going to get some acrylic and bonder from him to make a skimmer from plans i found on another site. heres the link ... opic=58540
Plus im going to ask if he has any 24 watt PC's the same that are in my NC12 hood so i can just mod them in .. instead of going the MH route. if i do this i will have 96 watts (2 50/50, 2 actinic)
Finally its time.. :lol3: