that sounds interesting. Ok well after i did all that and now let the tank settle. I noticed some purple coraline in some places. P.S. i reaaly need my clean up crew. I have no idea on prices for shirmps, hermits and snails.. maybe someone can post a price range.
Tested Parms-
phosphate = 0 mg/L
Kh = 380 mg/L :O wow too high no?
Gh= 1140 mg/L ++ :O
Nitrate= 0
Nitrite= 0
ammonia= 0
calcium= 280 ppm
Ph= 8.1-8.2 (previous problems and results were affected my lighting)
Alkalinity= 8 mEq/L or 400 ppm
salinity= 1.024
Ok so some things here are out of wack so im doing a water change with my 72 gallon which has only saltwater in it. Hopefully everything is A 0 k
i no theres alot of random posts .. im using this as my log

better then writing down and at least i can get opionions