That's a bummer. I think I was lucky in that my old RBTA found a spot right smack in the middle of my old tank and never moved. The rock was concaved and provided an area for the anemone to really get a secure place for his foot.KidNano said:That crazy little anemone decided to take up residence right in between my two monti-plating things and killed alot of them off. He moves around a lot more then I'd like.
Yes we do. Do you guys have a grill? Our apt's grills SUCK. Let me know if you guys have a free weekend coming up. We'll make plans.KidNano said:We need to get together again and have some Carne Asada. Kate really liked it. She doesn't normally like red meat unless it cost $100/lb. so that's a huge compliment to the chef.
I'll try to take some more pics of my favorite pieces. Here are those pics of my old pom pom crab for those who havent seen them yet. These were taken with my old Pentax S5i before it went for a swim in my tank :roll:KidNano said:show us more pics of your favorite pieces brother. I think my favorite pic that you've taken is the one of your pom pom.
No dosing here. I use Coralife salt which has pretty high Ca+. I try to do weekly water changes of around 30%. I think I am going to start doing something like weekly 50% or biweekly 100% water changes after seeing my tank the day after I did my last 80%+ water change. Man what a difference! I personally dont find it necessary to dose anything in our small nanos. I try to rely on water changes to restore the trace elements. The only time I think it would be necessary is if you are housing things like SPS and clams that quickly take in Ca+ and then I feel you should be doing regular Ca+/Mg testing/dosing. I run a small amount of filter floss/sponge which I clean every few days and some live rock rubble. I occasionally run some granular activated carbon. I feel that GAC is the single most important chemical media to run in a reef tank. Most other medias like Chemipure, Purigen, etc are poor substitutes at best. I am considering getting a HOB fluidized media reactor in order to run GAC in a more effecient manner. When I toss a bag of carbon in my back chambers it slows down the flow too much and a film collects on the surface of the tank as a result.helifaxnz said:Hi Reefman, do you dose your tank in anyway? What maintenance do you do?
Thanks again helifaxnz. I usually place new pieces right in front of the glass to get those nice shots and then move them to where I want them in the tank. That acan went right up to the top as it came from a tank with high light. I am not worried about acclimating it to the light. The OPE is going to stay right where it is for a while.helifaxnz said:Once again, yor photos are fantastic. And I love the Acan. Wish I could get one here in NZ. :maitre
Hey Cris. THat sucks about the snail. How far down the drain did the shell go? Can you shove something down there and push it out? THat YWG is a trip man! Cant get enough of the "Wild Rivers" huh? lolKidNano said:Hey Jesse... everything looks really good.
I thought again that I had lost the YWG. He's gone down into the sump so many times that I decided to just leave him there untill I can get creative with keeping him out. He's become shy though. Hides really really well when I open the cabinet door. I saw him briefly last night though.
A snail climbed into one of my drains and cloged it. I'm assuming he's died there and left his shell to block the opening. I've got to partially tear down the tank again to get the shell out. If it's not one thing then it's another.
How's the the new business treating you?
Thanks helifax!helifaxnz said:Looks great! Wouldn't expect anything else from you.![]()
Thanks Ed. Wed isnt good for me unless you wanted to come by for dinner. I work until 3pm and then have 5 pools to clean so I wont be home until 6pm or so. But if you want to come by and join us for dinner that would be cool. We need to meet up and catch up. What's up with your tank? I gotta come see it. It is always inspiring and I am always a bit disappointed when I come home and see mine. I got that clown for like $5 from that kappa guy on n-r. I think you were gonna go buy some stuff from him too?? Anyways, he is wild-caught and I really think he looks cool. You trying to dump that pesky bicolor on someone else?? LOL No thanks. Can you even catch him?EDGRAY said:Great pictures jesse!! as always, and well if u dont have nothing plan i might go to your house on wednesday after u get off work (i have it off) by the way u have to come to my place too, lots has change in tank...
i see a clown fish u should told me u were gonna buy one, i could have gave u one of mine... if u want a bicolor blenny is all yours :lol: .
Thanks Cris. Are my pictures deceiving? LOL That's what I'm always afraid of when people come by to look at it. I am really pleased with the way it is looking. Its cool to see it mature. I dont know if this tank will ever look like Eddy's... I havent seen any other nanocube that looks as nice as eddy's. It is really amazing what he has been able to do with that tank.KidNano said:Tank looks great Jesse. Too bad it doesn't look that good in person. :lol: Just kidding. I love the colors in your tank. almost as good as Eddy's.
I think I'm going to just get the 75 for now. 48x18x20. I should be able to finish the stand and get it all up and going this weekend.
talk to you later my brother.
Thanks Tim! I will be ordering the AC Jr with DC8, temp probe, and serial port tomorrow and picking it up on Friday. sells the package for $219. Have you seen the RK Elite in person Tim? I saw it at MAX and it is Saweet! I like the look of the RK2 better than the AC Jr but I think the Jr is a bit more capable.TimSchmidt said:Happy birthday Jesse! Hope it goes well. I have been looking at controllers too and I think I will go with either the AquaController 3 or the Reef Keeper Elite....I know they are pricey but honestly I've more than that in live stock for my 90. Besides I know I will be getting a couple hundred gallon tank when we move to the single family home.