Jesse's 12g AP w/70 watt Sunpod


New Member
reefman23 said:
How's this?

Did you see the PPE Ed? What do you think?

HEY signature is ok just name alittle bit more up like an inch or so.. ok thx.

and yeah thats a nice PPE! cant wait to get one from u in 6months lol :lol:



New Member
EDGRAY said:
HEY signature is ok just name alittle bit more up like an inch or so.. ok thx.

and yeah thats a nice PPE! cant wait to get one from u in 6months lol :lol:

Geez you're picky! Like this??



New Member
I've had these organisms for a while now and I am just now getting my first baby... I didnt know these things were such slow growers.



New Member
On the topic of babies, I am quite happy to see this!

At least two babies in red with a possible third in yellow. I really dont know why I like PPE's so much. They really are quite simple. A solid purple disk with a green mouth and green skirt. That is it. But they are so damn intriguing! I especially like them at night like in the picture above. They bluge out a bit and look like a pillow.



New Member
AlexfromSATX said:
AWESOME!!! I am so glad it is doing well for you. Looks like you will have a mini colony in no time!
Yep, i colony that is gonna be needed to get chop for eddy's sake. :pom

P.S: any picture of your Radioactive Green polyp?


New Member
absolutely beautiful. My schedule is starting to lighten up a bit so I should be able to come by pretty soon to see it all in person. I'll let you know buddy.


New Member
KidNano said:
absolutely beautiful. My schedule is starting to lighten up a bit so I should be able to come by pretty soon to see it all in person. I'll let you know buddy.
Cool! Yeah just let me know. We are usually available on the weekends.



New Member
you have to much time on your hands jess...... I think it's time you and sandy had a kid. Then I won't be jealous that you get to make cool things and I'm struggling just to find time for a water change. Man that's sad. I only have one. I don't know what I'm gonna do when we have our second one. I think I need to start working less.

Nice contraption though. :D ;-) :!:


New Member
It is a 3" ABS coupling and a piece of acrylic cut to fit the coupling. Then I used weld-on #16 to glue them together.



New Member
KidNano said:
Hey man how are the babies doing on that PPE :?: Is it ready to frag yet :?:
LOL... not yet! They are doing well though! All three babies are about the size of a normal zoanthid polyp. Two of them, the twins, are real close to the mother polyp... they dont really have a stalk of their own yet. I'll take another picture to update.

Also, my RO/Di unit came in today! YAY! No more lugging water home from the fish store and wondering just how pure it really is.



New Member
since ur about to take pics, can we see your frag of Radioactive Green polyp???.... well hope u show it to us since this is the second time that i ask nicely to show us ur RG.. :mrgreen:


New Member
EDGRAY said:
since ur about to take pics, can we see your frag of Radioactive Green polyp???.... well hope u show it to us since this is the second time that i ask nicely to show us ur RG.. :mrgreen:
LOL... will do Ed. How have you been? To be honest, that NG paly is one of those frags that I just sort of regret buying. It turned almost brown on me and is now coming back around. How is yours doing?

BTW, the RO/Di unit is installed and working like a charm. Tap water has a TDS of 256ppm, the water coming out of the RO membrane is 4ppm (thats over 98.4% rejection rate), and the water is coming out of the DI at 0ppm! Gotta love that!



New Member
I just tested the "freshwater" that I buy at my LFS which I thought was RO/DI or at least RO and it tested a TDS of 39ppm. That makes me wonder what kind of crap is in the water. I dont even see how it could be RO water (much less ro/di) with a TDS reading like that. Most RO units without DI should take the TDS below 10ppm. That makes me feel even better about buying my own unit.

Anyhoo... here are the pics of the unit...

Turns out I have great water pressure... 70+ psi...

The blue line with the valve is the di bypass line that provides RO water for drinking. The white line on the far left is the pure water for the tank.

Here are some pictures that I took a few days ago. Sorry Ed... no pics of the tank or NG from today.

My acan didnt open for almost four days... here is a picture from one of those days...

And a couple days ago it finally opened again...

My neon toadstool is starting to open pretty well...

Here is a closeup of a ric that turned out pretty well...
