AlexfromSATX said:
Jesse, you are collecting some nice things!!! :shock: Where is your secret?!?!? I can't wait to see this tank come together!
Thanks Alex! Secret? Crackberry! Or should I say blackberry! That means that I can cruise all the sites all day and get in on the sweet pieces as soon as they are posted! Seriously though, I picked up the one frag at an expo, those last 4 I picked up from a local guy here who is a propagator and had to dump a few corals to make room. I think I was the first one there and got a sweet deal. We have an amazing selection here in So Cal... I cant deny that.
So I took everything off of their disks today and started placing them where I think I want them. Those frags in the "fav five" picture were all kept under some serious MH lighting to I moved them all right up to where I wanted them. No need to acclimate them.
I also just ran out of the Red Sea Coral Pro salt that I was using. Seems how it was soooo filthy (brown crap stuck to the sides of the mixing bucket, a film on the surface of the water, a crazy amount of sediment) I decided to try the Coralife salt. My LFS sells it for $14.99/ 50 gallon bag and it has done pretty well in recent tests (560 Ca, 9 Alk, 1380 Mg) and it dissolved much faster and cleaner. We'll see how it does. The other one I want to look into is the oceanpure salt. marinedepot sells it cheap and its numbers are dead-on (510 Ca, 10 Alk, 1320 Mg).
BTW, here is a pretty cool thread for anyone who is curios about the salts out there right now... ... id=1287118