boringggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........... comon no more excuses put some water to that cheap imitation of NANOCUBES!!! LOL

BY THE WAY KIDNANO: i dont have too much liverock to start jesse's cycle but if we combine some of my rubble with some of your extra LR (i heard you have some extra in the sump) jesse could get some cycle going on.... so what u say help us here my frags need jesse to get their new house to be running... and if you do it before this week ill give you 2 heads of Neon candy canes ;-) :mrgreen: .....
lol lol... :lol: :lol:
by the way jesse not sure if you wanted black sand or white but if you decide black let me know we can take the bad i got you and exchange it for black kind the same brand if you want will be no problem..... i mentioned this cause i think black sand looks cool and i think im gonna do another nano tank of 6g or a 30g not sure with black sand.... but not sure what should i do yet.
P.S: kidnano also have alot of horrible pink purpleish looking zoas if you want some i have them everywere they grow like weed i can spare you some too :mrgreen: