Search results

  1. skipm

    Aiptasia...Anenome..only pops out at night...what is it?

    It looks like an aiptasia to me as well, I would also get rid of it before it starts spreading.
  2. skipm

    Presents with my LR

    Nice score on the zoanthids. The starfish may be a mini brittlestar, they are excellant sandbed stirrers but don't really get any bigger than you found. It is possible that you have more and don't know it, if thats the case they will reproduce rather well in the aquarium.
  3. skipm

    Can you say ice? You HAVE to see this..

    I would hate to be the police officer that had to work that wreck, I would still be trying to figure out where to get started.
  4. skipm

    "New" chiller

    You definately got your self a great deal on that chiller.
  5. skipm

    Fish help

    3 fish may be pushing it a bit in an approx 12 gallon tank, especially if your yellow goby is a yellow watchman goby. If it is a yellow clown goby then you may be able to get by with all three but I would add them one at a time and wait a week or so before adding another. This will allow your...
  6. skipm

    24 GLLN W/70 HQI

    I love all of the different tanks coming out, it makes all of the manufacturers try to outdo one another and we get better products available to us.
  7. skipm

    jt10 3 gal jbj picotope

    If you were to put a second light right next to the first you could extend the legs so it hung just in front of the first light, it doesn't appear that you have the legs extended at all in the light on your tank now.
  8. skipm

    Chad's 2gal bulletproof zen tank

    :welcome to the board! That is one neat tank. I really like the way you keep changing it to keep up with your current needs of your livestock.
  9. skipm

    New to nano tanks and Marine fish

    I know that AquaMedic also has an all in one type tank thay should be on the market now and if I am not mistaken they are a European company so I would think they should be readily available over there. Of course you could always get a regular tank an then build you own nano, it just wouldn't...
  10. skipm

    nano7joy's Lil 7galon minibow

    :welcome to the board! That is one big mushroom you have there, have you ever tried or thought about fragging it?
  11. skipm

    jt10 3 gal jbj picotope

    Lighting is the main restriction I see with this set-up. You will only be able to keep very low light corals or those that can live off of being target fed. Is there any way to add more light? Even if you add a second light like the one on the tank? BTW, :welcome to the board. Even if you...
  12. skipm

    Cat proofing lids needed

    Glass tops fit pretty tight and unless you can lift up on the handles I don't think you'll be able to open them up. Another option would be to surround the tanks with the matting that cats hate to walk on, this would keep kitty away from the tanks.
  13. skipm

    Latest addition

    Looks good, one of my favorite LPS corals.
  14. skipm

    Total beginner, need help.

    :welcome to the board. Since you said the tank was 18 gallons I almost suspect it is a ViaAqua tank that should have power compact lighting (I have my fingers crossed for you). As soon as you can find out more specs about the lights and equipment you have let us know and we'll see if we can...
  15. skipm

    DIY AC 70 fuge

    The refugium is not designed for any particular sized tank but more for a certain sized filter but it will work in other sized filters and on different sized tanks.
  16. skipm

    lgreen's Ultimate Guide To Nano Fish

    I just want to say thanks for not only posting this great reference but also for upgrading it. I have linked others to your guide on more than one occasion.
  17. skipm

    How did you hear about this site?

    I knew I recognized your screen name when I first saw it. :cool1:
  18. skipm

    Long Stringy Thing???

    From your description they sound alot like feeding tentacles from something living in the LR, it is hard to ID any better than that w/o pics though. FWIW they are harmless if thats what these are.
  19. skipm

    New to nano tanks and Marine fish

    :welcome to the board. Decide what you want to do with the tank and then we'll see what we can do to help you along.
  20. skipm

    Bak Pak airstone mod pump

    One of the pumps that is adjustable is the best because you can regulate it until the airflow is just right.