Well, the other day i happened to walk into a new LFS, having no real desire to get a tank set up (in fact, i was actually looking for dog supplies, lol) But, after i left, i decided that i want to get a real tank set up. I talked to my brother, who has a 20g set up ( not sure of exact specs or crew he has) and he said he was going to hook me up with his old 18g. Now, i am thinking about really becoming serious about reefing, so i was wondering if you had any usefull suggestions, setups, fish recommendations, etc... for me. Please keep in mind that i am a total beginner. So far, my bro suggested zoanthids, musroom corals, and maybe even a clam if i get the lighting set up right. For the fish, he said to limit it to 3, two inch fish at the most. One fish that he has that i found really cool was a scooter blenny, so was wondering which fish are compatible with him, or if he's not a good idea in an 18g. As i said earlier, i am open to all types of suggestions. I would really appreciate your feedback though, so even if it's just one or two sentences, it would be nice. I actually might try to get a job at my LFS, or at least talk to the manager there to get some advice from him. Thanks!!