24 GLLN W/70 HQI


New Member
JUST SAW ADD @ FOSTERSMITH aquapod 24 w/ 70watt hqi on sale in clearance section for 279.99 for any one interested
thought it a good deal@ thought I pass it on :stonight :gcool


New Member
Not a bad deal. Have you all seen the new nanocube that JBJ will be releasing in the next couple of months??

Check it out.

Pretty sweet! Finally JBJ is trying to compete with oceanic and Red Sea.



New Member
Wow :mrgreen: Hmmm I wonder what the retail is on that? Sounds GREAT but if the price is way up for all those upgrades (which will probably perform okay) it will be interesting. I for one may buy one just based on all the upgrades but I want to see one first, or atleast detailed pics. Thanks for the info


Staff member
Maybe with several manufacturers making similar tanks the competition will keep prices down some. Between this tank and the Red Sea I don't know which one to wish for (I probably won't buy either but its fun to wish). :mrgreen:


New Member

wow if they can keep it down in price I just may wait to order the 24glln & get one with all those upgrade may be better than a diy retro on a 24
and w/ the lighting sounds as though it will be coral ready as is
cant wait to see it


New Member
4 gallons more & 80watts space about the same :roll: :?: :idea: sounds good but you say it wont be out for a couple more months do we have any better eta : for it being availiable is it even avail to pre order for shipment will have to make a phone call now


New Member
Just got the new DrFosterSmith catelog and they have a 24g HQI with 150w 14000k halides on sale for $329.99 It doesn't give a whole lot of details, other than it's a new item in their catelog.


New Member
just heard back from jbj their 28 gallon will be in retalers march / april w/ msrp of 499.99$ not a bad price with all the upgrades they have installed and the added size is a bonus also the said they will be soon adding a new lid for the 24 gallon with the same light upgrades but as of yet no price on this item
:?: now :roll: what are all the other manufacturers going to do? to stay up with them on this time will tell


Staff member
I love all of the different tanks coming out, it makes all of the manufacturers try to outdo one another and we get better products available to us.


New Member
just recieved another e-mail from jbj they say that nanotuners .com will be taking pre-orders on this item ( 28 glln ) they have it listed @ 499.99 & have a total of 23 availiable at this price looking forward to seeing one of these in person & picted here on this site ( wonder whio will be the first :?: ) to get one & submit smoe picts


New Member
Not a bad price at all. I just hope that it went through a rigorous R&D and wasnt just rushed out with a bunch of problems.


New Member
$500 is a great price for a MH equiped Nanocube. Not that I'm going to buy one anytime soon but I would choose the JBJ over the oceanic/redsea simply because nanotuners spealizes and will probably have upgraded/optional accessories to come (Chiller, fuge light kit, etc.).


New Member
almost done getting all things setup with my qt tank & havent recieved the new tank we ordered but now thinking we will go ahead & have 2 tanks ?
really leaning towards this new 28 gallon if as jesse says they have done good R&D on this yhey say in the e-mail I recieved they are going to also have these same upgrades for their 24 gallon but with the extras they have on this just my wait for it to come out // :) by then all our rock will be cured & in 2 tanks / fish & believe we can combine them together fish in 1 shrimps est in other
so really now looking forward to march/april when it debuts & getting more input cant wait