Actually it is Caulastrea furcata, or Candy Cane coral... very close to the Caulastrea curvata, or trumpet coral.TimSchmidt said:Nice pictures! Is that a trumpet coral in the second to last picture?
I sure will stephen. BTW, it was great having you and sandra over... we had a blast!dragon79 said:keep me informed with that brain, I hope it recovers nicely in your tank. Keep spot feeding it, and nurse it back as best you can.
yours is the anenome shrimp actually.drty811 said:anenome crab is what i have as my avator, and porcelian crab is white freckals or a dark color just like the white ones.
Live aquaria does list both species, so that's true.reefman23 said:I'll be glad to "explain" myself!
Anemone crab= Neopetrolisthes spp. (often called a porcelain crab but are commensals that live on anemones. Their fourth pair of thoracic legs are smaller than the others and are folded up over the hind of their body)
Porcelain crab= Petrolithes spp. (the one that I wanted which DOESN'T live on anemones.)
Neopetrolisthes spp. tends to starve due to lack of sufficient planktonic foods because it is strictly a filter-feeder. Petrolisthes spp. does well in a small tank environment. They tend not to starve because of the fact that they are filter-feeders AS WELL as scavengers.
Hope that helped to clarify the issue! :smartg :kiddin:
PIMPO!!!! ... BINGO!!! I AGREE SHRIMP NO CRABdragon79 said:yours is the anenome shrimp actually.drty811 said:anenome crab is what i have as my avator, and porcelian crab is white freckals or a dark color just like the white ones.
THATS right the blue one is the one jesse is refering and well they are hard to find here in CA i guess cause i have seen then only 1 time at circle pet and never on tongs and well at least this issue of porcelain tought me the difference on feeding ... and well i kept mine not as long as you steve not cause he starved cause he ate flake food was cause a mushroom ate it :lol: i was gonna rescue him but halfway in so ..boune apettite shroom :mrgreen:....anyways hope you find the right one Jesse.. and if i see the one you looking for i'll be happy to inform you were to get it and make them to hold it for you too :mrgreen:...dragon79 said:Live aquaria does list both species, so that's true.reefman23 said:I'll be glad to "explain" myself!
Anemone crab= Neopetrolisthes spp. (often called a porcelain crab but are commensals that live on anemones. Their fourth pair of thoracic legs are smaller than the others and are folded up over the hind of their body)
Porcelain crab= Petrolithes spp. (the one that I wanted which DOESN'T live on anemones.)
Neopetrolisthes spp. tends to starve due to lack of sufficient planktonic foods because it is strictly a filter-feeder. Petrolisthes spp. does well in a small tank environment. They tend not to starve because of the fact that they are filter-feeders AS WELL as scavengers.
Hope that helped to clarify the issue! :smartg :kiddin:
the anenome porcelain crab and the regular porcelain crab.
Eddy: It is indeed that blue one we see from live aquaria that he's referring to. I haven't owned that kind before, I've only had the anenome porcelain crab...(which are pretty cool filter feeders...mine lived a long time)