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  1. R

    Too much lighting - JBJ12dx Nanocube

    No the lighting is by no means too much. My guess is you are using tap water?? If so, switch to RO/Di Jesse
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    How green is my tank..

    Are you using tap water? Have you tested for phosphates? Jesse
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    Don't buy scraper for non-cube use this!!! SHAMPOW!!!!

    Hmm thats cool. I'll have to give it a try sometime. I must say that I love my nimble nano magnet cleaner. There isnt much that it cant clean off... I have the Super nano for my 12g AP and it works even on the bent glass corners. Jesse
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    Nanocube powerhead nozzle options?

    The stuff is called loc-line and the nanocube should have a 1/2" diameter IIRC. HTH, Jesse
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    40g Custom Rimless Reef Build

    Dude your tank is sweet. I love it. You have some very nice corals and fish. Keep us updated with the lighting upgrade. Jesse
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    Feeding coral

    Nice comparison. Blastos, acans, caulastrea, and I think LPS in general do love to be fed. It sounds like you are doing it the right way too. Jesse
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    Got my tank and stand!

    Your tank looks great! Love the aquascaping. Jesse
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    Wave maker in new tank

    What kind of wavemaker are we talking about? Those are generally on larger tanks but there are some nano varieties. Jesse
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    What will live with my six line wrasse?

    I would not try to add any other fish to your tank. I think you have it maxed out with the 3 fish that are currently in there. This is a pretty helpful compatibility chart though... and this is a helpful link for a stocking guideline...
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    Finally put my tank together...

    The tank looks good. That zoa colony will look nice when it is fully open. I like thre frame on the photos too. Jesse
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    Coralife 96W Quad

    I personally wouldnt try to keep a crocea and a maxima is going to be even more light-demanding. I hold to the belief that clams really shouldnt be housed without metal halide and or T5HO lighting. As far as other corals go, with the 96 watter on a 10g tank you should be able to keep just...
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    I would remove both the bioballs and the ceramic rings. Here's why... The ceramic rings (and other media like bioballs and other forms of biological media, as well as mechanical medias such as filter socks and floss) lack an anaerobic area that allows for a complete nitrogen cycle. What does...
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    Are you running anything like ceramic rings or beads or bioballs? These can lead to a build-up of nitrates. How often are you cleaning the foam filter? Feeding twice a day might not be helping the situation either. I would feed once a day and watch every flake that goes in to the tank so that...
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    some BAD legislation LOOK!

    That video seems misleading... Bills are full of lingo that confuses me but I did find this in there, "Authorizes the Secretary to issue permits authorizing otherwise prohibited importation for scientific research, for medical, accredited zoological or aquarium display purposes..." It...
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    24g Aquapod

    What's the TDS at the tap and before the DI stage? Jesse
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    The place where you live

    Surf City, USA for me! Huntington beach, ca that is... 9 miles of beach, and our main attraction is pictured below... Jesse
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    JBJ 28G HQI

    It appears to be some sort of bushy birds nest sps to me. the tank looks great Tim! Jesse
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    surface debris

    You've got to block off the openings that are below the surface. this will cause the overflow to pull all of the water from the surface and keep the surface crystal clear. If you upgrade the pump I wouldnt suggest any other pump except the Maxijet 1200. HTH, Jesse
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    tiny screw

    Not a big concern. I would still try to syphon it out or something if you can. Jesse
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    My 10G Hexagon LED powered reef

    Very nice tank... very clean look. I love LED lighting. Are you having a problem with nitrates? If so, are you running mechanical filtration in the canister? Jesse