Well it's time for a little update on the two tanks.....Things have been going along about how I expected. I had an outbreak of diatoms, which I almost have cleared up and a tiny touch of a very loose crayno, which I think I have almost under control.
The 6.6 seemed to have a bit more than the nanocube 6, I am wondering if the better light kicks this stuff into action a bit quicker.
I am very impressed with the look and stable start in the nanocube 6. Everything that I put in that tank is doing great and has never looked more healthy. The mushrooms are open and the kenya tree has never looked better. I will be very interested to see how this 18watt tank does over the next few months. I hate to say it, but I am enjoying it more than the 6.6......LOL
I am doing a 80 oz water change every day on the 6.6 trying to get it under control, where as the nanocube 6 is just getting it's 10% per week.
Don't get me wrong, the 6.6 is not falling apart, but just seems to need more tweaking than the cube.
Well here are updated pictures of the two tanks, that I took tonight.