I've done a few upgrades and down grades. I sold my HOB refugium/skimmer. I just got tired of the anoying micro bubbles and well it just didn't work out. I've decided to convert my 2nd chamber into a fuge . To do that, I removed my UV filter and will probably use it for a bigger tank in the future. I also replaced my Finnex heater with a Visi-Therm Stealth. Same 50 watts but this time I don't have to set the temp each time I plug it back in. I brought my chiller back from the dead. This time I made a bracket for it to sit on the tank. I used black 1/4" acrylic.
Here it is completed an hour later.
And the reason for the chiller: 70 watt DE metal halide retrofit with 20k bulb. Purchased from Aquabuys.
MH Installed. I've also added a 13 watt daylight for the fuge.
20k !!!
Here's how everything looks now from the back of the tank. I also added some live rock rubble in the first chamber. It was my first time seeing the back of the tank in a long time. I found a lot of filter feeds and feather dusters. If the water level looks low in the fuge, it's because I took out a few pounds of live rock.
Here's a last look of the tank before the change. With the HOB refugium gone, doing water changes would be difficult because the water level would drop about 2 inches in the main tank. So I removed about 5 to 6 of pounds live rock and remodeled a bit.
Here's how it looks as of today. I'm running the lights only 6 hours a day for aclimmation and will move up to 8 and eventually 10 as the weeks go buy. No heat problems at the moment. Temp stays at 79 degrees during the day and 78 degrees at night. Enjoy! :lol3: