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  1. H

    Color-Change Blue Zoos!

    I thought I was totally crazy when I looked into my tank at my blue zoos and thought I saw that the skirts had changed from brown to yellow. But I was finally able to get my hands on a decent camera and I took some macroshots with it. This pic has not been photoshoped in any way(though I did...
  2. H

    Starting over....

    how much modding are you wanting and willing to do? Some people have added an overflow to the center of the tank to have the water go there and then added a second pump on the opposite side of the current pump so they will have double the flow. I have seen people add pcs over the back of the...
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    i think i've been taken for a ride....

    actually there is a couple who lives a few hours outside of dallas(where I live) who has figured out how to frag these corals. Here is the only picture I could find from past threads.
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    Pod Hunting

    All my pods seem to want to live between the bristles of my magnetic in-tank algea scrubber. :roll:
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    zoanthid fans

    oooohhhh :loveface Pink Zoos :loveface I :ihearts Pink Zoos
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    Nano Reef for a TOTAL beginner.

    SWEET! :mrgreen:
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    Nano Reef for a TOTAL beginner.

    One of the reason I am not liking my nano is because I have a thing with buying corals. Especially zoos. But I have not bought any of the one that I really want since I got the blue ones. After seeing them fade into shadows of what they were, I really am not that inclined to go and buy other...
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    Nano Reef for a TOTAL beginner.

    Well, I research this hobby for more than two years before I finally bought a nano cube. I wanted to minimise any losses because I didn't have a job and really just could not afford to waste money on experimenting. So I saved up and bought the nano for about 200. I changed the pump to a...
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    Lighting upgrade question

    I would go with the 70 watt. One of my friends had a 150 over his 24 gallon nanocube and he is having serious problems with his tank overheating. Can't imagine what it would be like with a 12 gallon.
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    Moorish Idol

    you might think about the Longfin Bannerfish. They look a lot like the moorish idol but I believe they are much easier to keep. here is a link to some info: hope this helps
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    I am upgrading to a 45 gallon corner tank and I am doing a 250 watt MH setup. Other people are saying that you don't really need MH and that is true I suppose, but your corals can only benifit from the upgrade and also there are some really beautiful softies that can survive under PCs just...
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    zoas MH vs PC and VHO actinic

    Same thing happened with my blues(though not so blue now) When I got them they had been under MH and were bright electric blue and now that they are in my nanocube they are like this sickley greyish color. Thank god, I am upgrading to a 45 gallon with metal halide within the next month or so.
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    nano fission skimmer

    I was not at all impressed by the nano-skimmer. It did not work at all and when it did work it would screw up again after a short while and requre readjustments. Also the skimate did not stay in the collection cuop, but rather, it just leaked out the sides back into the water. I don't even...
  14. H

    wooo i got some zoassssssss coming

    I'd like to know his name also. Because I have come across a guy who lives in the same county as me, and I bought some zoos from him through ebay, and they had SEA SPIDERS on them. These little nasties eat zoos. They destroyed my entire colony of teal zoas before I could figure out what was...
  15. H

    A 6 gallon JBJ nancube dream!!!

    :shock: I'd like to know what kind of chiller he's running. Kind of scary to me.