nano fission skimmer


New Member
Hey I was thinking of purchasing a nano fission skimmer for my 12 gallon nanocube, will it fit in the sump because it is only 2 inch in diameter, but it has a pump that increases volume?


New Member
it will fit perfectly in the 3rd chamber but to place it in the 1 or 2nd chamber you will have to play with it or do a mod to the tube connecting the skimmer to the pump.


Staff member
It will fit but you would be better of buying a surface skimmer if you don't already have one. They start out at around $10 and help to rid your tank of all the film that accumulates on the waters surface. You can keep your water quality up by doing weekly partial water changes. If you get thew skimmer you will have to either use a top off system or you'll have to keep adjusting it in order to keep it skimming.


New Member
I second that skimp and i didnt mentioned that cause then my friend comes and will say the oposite and recommend the protein skimmer :lol: :lol: anyways i think the same for nano just keep with the water changes not need of skimmer but a surface skimmer is a big help just like skipm said.


New Member
I was not at all impressed by the nano-skimmer. It did not work at all and when it did work it would screw up again after a short while and requre readjustments. Also the skimate did not stay in the collection cuop, but rather, it just leaked out the sides back into the water.

I don't even use it anymore since it was such a hassle and so loud.