Search results

  1. I

    See...I do it too.
  2. I

    See...I do it too.

    Yep...The few things I've found with any info, that isn't just an image, is that they pair up with cucumbers or spanish dancers. This could mean that it'll be missing something diet-wise without them, or it could just be a mode of free transportation, and protection. If that's all it is, then...
  3. I

    See...I do it too.

    Last night I stopped in Aquarium World because traffic sucked, and I needed some ghost shrimp anyway. (Sound like rationalization to you?) LOL Anyway, I did something I rarely do. I made an impulse buy. I bought what they had labled as a 'Purple candy shrimp". I hadn't ever seen one...
  4. I

    Fantastic deal.

    I just thought I'd pass this on to someone that might have the cash handy. I was looking for the 3rd volume, and that by itself is going for $80-$110 used. This is the first three volumes for $155 shipped, and it's the english, not the german version. Even though this is a great deal, I just...
  5. I

    2.5 gal tank - newbie here and need help

    Tap water is NEVER ok to use. Period. Even with dechlorinators. Marine and reef tanks need RO, (reverse osmosis), or RO/DI, (reverse osmosis/de-ionized), water. Both for your makeup saltwater, and your topoff freshwater. Many people get away with using tap water for a little while, but...
  6. I

    Evidence of my Hair Algae attack

    The only problem with testing for phosphates in the middle of an algae bloom is that you may get 'zero' readings, but your phosphates can still be too high. The algae will just be pulling it out of the water fast enough that you won't have testable amounts, left in the water column. Since...
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    2.5 gal tank - newbie here and need help

    Unfortunately the hermits from the Galveston area aren't reef-safe. They'll eat anything. Corals, fish, snails, other crabs, etc... If you want to keep a nano, this site is great for info, but those crabs will need to go. Welcome to the site BTW. Another local board with tons of...
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    New Setup - NC6

    It looks like TBS rock. They've got a good rep, and several people here have ordered from them with good results. The corals are probably boulder star coral or great star coral: ... tml#common I think that using water from your 24 is fine for...
  9. I

    moving day

    Good luck. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. B
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    How many inverts

    Bumble bees. They're carnivorous, predatory snails. They don't eat algae, and will kill your other algae eating snails if they can catch them. They also can go after small worms, etc... Like I said, having a couple in a large tank they probably won't be able to do much overall damage...
  11. I

    Is there any way to feed a sand bed for a Sand Sifting Star?

    It's not a good choice for a nano. Even a DSB-only nano. Echinoderms, (and lots of other marine critters), can last a long time on their energy reserves. Especially if they are getting SOME nutrition. But that doesn't mean that they're not slowly starving. I try to think in terms of years...
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    How many inverts

    Good info all around in this thread. I think bumble bee snails are pretty, and in a larger reef tank, the amount of damage a couple could do is probably pretty minimal. Although I still won't add them, cause I don't think they're THAT flashy/pretty. I think they're a bad choice for nanos...
  13. I

    My cleaner shrimp is trying to entice my pair of Clowns...

    My clowns don't allow my cleaners to touch them either. I've had occellaris, and perculas, and I've never seen any of them let the cleaner shrimps pick at them. It was cool to see my angels allow it. It's not a bad sign though, since the cleaners eat parasites, a healthy fish generally...
  14. I

    Yellow Watchman Goby & Pistol Shrimp

    They should be fine. I'd just give them some time to get adjusted. I'd also hold off on stocking anything else, since you're already having algae issues. The tank simply hasn't bee up long enough to handle a heavy bioload. You're skirting the edges of a full bioload on a tank that hasn't...
  15. I

    knobby star fish

    The worst thing I've seen was at the largest most expensive LFS in town. I watched a family load their new 180g oceanic tank/stand/canopy/sump/several boxes of LR/etc.... into a suburban. They only had one bag of salt. So far it isn't a big deal. Then I watched them load up 4 BOXES of...
  16. I


    I've never used epoxy to glue my rocks. I just stack them very carefully and keep adjusting them to make sure that they are snug, and balanced well, and don't shift around. Sometimes it's easier to do than other times. I recently added some rock that I thought would look good in my 6g work...
  17. I

    Sometimes I take pics of things besides my tanks.

    Actually I haven't printed out either one. Of all the thousands of digital pics I've taken, I've only had 2 printed out. ;-) I uploaded these and a bunch of others I too from the family reunion to, and sent out the link to the album so that they could make prints of the...
  18. I

    Here's my first attempt at tank photography...

    Fantastic job April. Most people don't get anywhere near that quaility of shots until they've been practicing for quite a while. One of the best sites for info on digital cameras is: For really good aquarium shots you'll want something that you can control your...
  19. I

    Startup algae issues. Polyps n shrooms on an old clam shell

    They're likely hydroids. Not really an issue unless you've got seahorses, which some hydroids can sting. Do a search on google and see if any of the images match what you've got. B
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    They may be fine, as they're both the same type. If they're together and you don't notice either shrinking, then they're fine. These guys can MOVE, and will do so if one gets irritated by the other. B