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    With them being in your tanks for 10 days I would expect that they're probably acclimated. It may be that they're getting plenty of food/light so they aren't 'reaching' for it. Or it could be that they're getting a lot more light, are a little burned and recovering. B
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    Questions about the filtration setup in new NanoCube 6g.

    You can add things like carbon, phosban, or purigen in place of the bioballs, and ceramic rings. Read through some of the threads on the guys using these in their cubes. Welcome to the site. B
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    new to nano...20gal or 12gal?

    You really shouldn't have any fish in the tank while it cycles. I'd pull them back out. Otherwise it sounds fine. You can easily keep softies, mushrooms, zoos and polyps under the 65w. You don't really need a light on the tank while it's going through the cycle. It'll just encourage algae...
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    Moving a tank

    Moving the tank with any amount of water, or rock is a no-no. Just take out everything except the sand. Have about 50% new water made up, and ready for use. Move the tank. Use some of the old tank water to rinse off the rock. Re-aquascape. Add your new water, and then as much of the...
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    Texas and sourrounding area

    DJ's in San Antonio. I don't think they had any direct storm fallout. Other than there wasn't a hotel room available in the city, and possibly some gas shortages. As long as he was there, and not here for some reason, I'm sure he's fine. B
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    Texas and sourrounding area

    Actually we have a family reunion next weekend in Arizona. They were supposed to head out for it on Friday morning, and decided to go early. They hoped that by leaving at 5am they'd miss some of the traffic out. They were wrong. They spent the night in Kerrville, with some friends, then...
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    Texas and sourrounding area

    Yep, so far the worst experiences from friends/family have been the ones that tried to evac. Our best friend had Austin City Limit's tickets, (huge music festival), for this weekend, so she decided to take off early, and take her cats with her. She left here at 6am. She didn't get to...
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    happy birthday Master ER

    Happy B-day man. B
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    Texas and sourrounding area

    We're all good here. I just posted some pics I took driving aroudn the neigborhood this morning. Thanks for the prayers folks. We got VERY lucky. B
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    Hurricane Rita

    We're still here folks. We never lost power. I set my alarm clock, and cell phone alarm to go off every other hour, so that I could start baby sitting the tanks if the power went out. It never did. I got up this morning and drove around the neigborhood to check on friends, and friend's...
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    Hurricane Rita

    Ok. So this is my house now. :) All in all it's been a pretty relaxing day. Watched some movies during breaks, filled up water containers, and boarded up the windows. I probably won't be back on until after the storm blows itself out. Talk to ya'll soon. B
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    Another Newbie question

    12g is kind of an odd size. 10g, 20g are the two most common. 12g, you have the nano cube, and I think an eclipse, and of course lots of custom acrylic tanks. Then you have 20 long, 15g, 30g, 30g long. Then there are hex tanks, and blah, blah, blah. Really it comes down to what you...
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    Another Newbie question

    Sorry, but LR is part of the basic setup. It's a large part of your biological filtration, and adding it later can cause ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spikes. You'll need the tank, sand, LR, and your filter to actually cycle the tank. You'll also need ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and ph tests, to...
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    Ich on my percula Clown

    You are likely never to get rid of ich in a reef tank. Since the parasite lives parts of it's lifecycle in the sand/rock, unless you QT every fish, rock, coral you ever get then you're likely to have it in your tank. There is a theory that running a UV Sterilizer will rid your tank entirely of...
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    some one help me start a tank!

    If you stack your rock, then pour sand around the bottom it'll help hold the base rock in place. Put a saucer or something on the sand and pour the water onto it. This will make aquascaping easier since you can see the rock without the water being all churned up and silted out. Pouring the...
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    are RO/DI needed?

    Dude, buy three 5g gas/water containers. One for salt, two for RO. For your normal nano, this is enough water for a month. Driving an hour and a half both ways once a month is nothing. B