Search results

  1. I

    What do I do with a broken Xenia stalk? One of mine broke of

    You can also take a needle and thread and sew it to a piece of rubble. Or you can use superglue gel, (a lot of it), to glue it to a small piece of rubble. B
  2. I

    Did a dumb thing...

    The sting is involuntary. Different anemeones have different strength stings. I've handled lots of them with no problems. Carpets, BTA, RBTA, Sebae, Flower, Tube, etc... However they can definitely increase the potency of the nematocysts, (stinging cells). My RBTA wasn't a problem for many...
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    Pic upload 101

    If you go through the threads in the photography forum you'll find lots of hints, but this is the single best site I've seen for teaching you how to take better pics of your tank. It was put up by a fellow reefer to try to help out his local reef club, as well as others on
  4. I

    Pic upload 101

    It's not dependent on your rating at all. You need to find someplace to host your images, that allows remote linking. There are lots of places out there. Personally I like photobucket. They're free membership is enough for most people, and if you're a heavier user like I am, they're one of...
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    pic problem

    I totally forgot about the gimp. Probably one of the most powerful freeware image manipulation tools out there. B
  6. I

    just some random's. dial up beware

    Good job. B
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    Did a dumb thing...

    I use dishwashing gloves. They're at nearly all the dollar stores, and they reach up nearly to my elbow. B
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    RO/DI and UV System...

    You don't need a UV on your RO/DI unit....And $483 is over $300 too much. I bought a 5 stage RO/DI unit off of ebay with a 5g holding tank for about $150 shipped. Check out They are very knowledgeable. You'll pay a bit more than I did, but nowhere near what...
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    new critter

    I've never seen any of my cleaners, skunk or fire, or my peppermints bother my snails/crabs. That's pretty strange. Perhaps the snail was already dead. Did it kill it for sure? Maybe it was simply going after a piece of food the snail was on. B
  10. I

    Something for my false perc...

    In my experience the tank raised ones tend to be a bit slower to host, and pick a wider variety of things to try. I'm not sure why that would be though. I've got a friend that's raising tons of true percs, and she puts fake plastic anemones in the tanks and they all wiggle right down into...
  11. I

    Who is interested in a Nanochat session & what topic?

    Welcome to the site. As long as you're willing to do the research, and be patient you'll do just fine. Use the search function on this and other boards when you can before asking questions. Odds are the question has been answered several times before. The folks on this board are still...
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    new critter

    12-35 around here, depends on size, and which store. B
  13. I

    rbaby's 20g + 10g (pic extensive)

    I'd PM her. A lot will depend on where you are. Most small custom tanks are done locally. But if you can find out who she used, the shipping may not be to bad. B
  14. I

    backyard pics...

    Wow. That's gorgeous. Lucky. B
  15. I

    condylacti anemone?

    Skip it. They're not a particulaly good choice for a reef, and clowns won't host in one. ... pCatId=619 Nanos and anemones are problematic. You'll need very high lights, and they're likely to move around. Most will outgrow nanos. If you're really...
  16. I

    Does anyone know anything about these little clown gobies?

    nope the shrimp shouldn't bother it at all. I'd suggest having them feed the tank in the store and see if they're eating. Several people have had trouble during the last year or so with them not eating. I actually prefer this type, as they remain smaller, but I've tried 3 of them, and...
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    knobby star fish

    After glancing at 2-3 sites it's probably not a good candidate for a nano. There probably isn't going to be enough life on your rock, or enough rock period to keep it alive long term. ... ost1347080 B
  18. I

    knobby star fish

    Look up the name. It's above the pic, on the pic, under the pic, and in the URL... :D Echinaster echinophorus B
  19. I

    rbaby's 20g + 10g (pic extensive)

    Her tanks are custom, and she mentions in the first post that she got them done by someone off of nano-reef. Her plumbing is a combo of standard PVC, bulkheads, and loc-line fittings. Lots of LFS carry loc-line, but if it's hard to find in your area you can always order it online...
  20. I

    knobby star fish

    If it's the second one then it's not reef safe, and will eat soft corals/sponges/tube worms/etc... I'd call the store explain to the manager what the problem is and try to return it for store credit. They'll likely not give you a full refund for it, unless they are an exceptional store...