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    Some tanks are just more easy to aquascape. The tall narrow ones are a lot more challenging, than ones that have a wider foot print. Don't be afraid to take a hammer to the rocks if you're pieces are large and difficult to work with. I think that having a variety of types/shapes makes things...
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    Evidence of my Hair Algae attack

    Good to know. You've just got to give those bacteria cultures time to get large enough to deal with the waste inherent in feeding concentrated foods like this. Even turning off the pumps to keep it suspended longer, there's ALWAYS gonna be waste, and if the bacteria isn't there to break it...
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    pic tests

    Oops. Sorry. I figured you were trying to figure out the largest size that wouldn't blow the formatting. I'll hold off on posting the 1024x768 version. :lol: B
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    pic tests

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    pic tests

    Difference is you're hosting them and it's automatically reducing the image to keep the formatting of the forum. Once you click on it you get the full-size image in a new window. I don't know if there's any way to deal with larger images that have been remote linked and have the forum protect...
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    What do I do with a broken Xenia stalk? One of mine broke of

    Well, yes. Some older glass, or handblown glass certainly can have lead in it. But most of it won't. If it's something you're gonna worry about, you can always use the plastic ones. I use a small juice glass in my larger tank. B
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    pic problem

    Yep. I've used it before as well. It was the first freeware program I used for photo resizing, and I still use at for work-related images at time. It's great for some types of image manipulation, and it'll open some types of files that a lot of the others won't. I just ended up not using it...
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    Lots About Liverock (56k warning)

    There's a lot of friendly people on here. One of the reasons it's a nice site for newbies. We don't jump down your throat and start flaming you cause you asked a question we've had lot. :mrgreen: Welcome to the site. Brian
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    Evidence of my Hair Algae attack

    Basically you've got a very young tank. Most wouldn't consider it out of it's cycle yet, and you're feeding concentrated foods, (phytoplex, or whatever phyto product you're using), and using additives that are designed to encourage algae growth. You're also adding energy to the system by way...
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    Are my Oscellaris likely to jump?

    Usually if you put in a pair that's the same size one will become very agressive about getting as much food as it can. This one end up growing rapidly. Once it's significantly larger than the other the sex of the larger one will switch to female, and the smaller one will be the male. B
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    midas blenny

    I've got one in my 75. They're beautiful fish. I'm not sure that a 20g would be large enough for it though, as they do get a bit larger than bi-colors. At the least it's likely to end up being more agressive in a 20g than it would be in a larger tank. B
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    coaraline algae

    My coraline definitely took off after the move, when I upgraded the lights from PCs to VHO/MH combo. It's cool, but it means that my calcium levels drop faster than they did before. :neutral: B
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    Mine goes for brine, small mysis, and really digs the cyclopeeze. When we first got it, it was so small that cyclopeeze was really the only thing it could get down. It was amusing watching it tow around a mysis or brine shimp that was simply too large to go down. B
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    April, I don't want to sound harsh, but judging by the questions you've been asking I'd say you're very new to the hobby. That being the case I'd wait a year before attempting the ponies. All seahorses are considered difficult to keep. Since the zulu-lulus are expensive, and require a lot...
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    Are my Oscellaris likely to jump?

    Clowns generally aren't jumpers. If they do, then you either have a water quality problem, or you have something else in there that's going after them. B
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    Does anyone here keep seahorses?

    I've had one in my work nano for about 6wks now. They've got pretty specific needs, and you've already found the best forum/site for info. And there are rank newbies on EVERY forum I visit, that are putting tangs/mandarins/angels in 10g tanks, people using tap water, "You mean I have to have...
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    20 watts=100w? PC wattage confusion for 10 gallon HELP

    Because the wattage is only one measure, and it's not a very useful one. PAR is the most useful measurement, and PC lamps generally have a higher PAR value, and they penetrate deeper than normal fluorescent bulbs do. We've been discussing this frequently lately. Here's a couple recent...
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    coaraline algae

    Razor blade scraper....But my tanks are glass. This wouldn't be a good idea for an acrylic tank. ;-) B
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    Startup algae issues. Polyps n shrooms on an old clam shell

    Easiest way to get rid of flatworms if that's what you have is to use salifert flatworm exit. However I'd make sure that's what you've got first. It could just be juvenile stomatellas. B
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    Evidence of my Hair Algae attack

    Unless you have a lot of filter feeders, you're feeding quite a bit of phyto for that size tank. Especially if it's the super concentrated stuff. How long are your lights on during the day? What's the wattage of the lights, and what type? How old is the tank? What animals are in the tank...