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  1. M

    Clownfish Hosts

    DJ, I'll have to back you up on that statement. My clown loves my metallic green frog spawn. He hovers over it ever so closely sometimes nudgeing it slightly. He doesn't force himself in like an anenome but he prefers it over a nice RBTA that my wife bought for me for my clown. Mike
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    Slug ID?

    DJ, I have several in my 2nd cube. And I love them, they really like to eat algae from the back of the tank. I've transfered one over to my SPS tank when the algae got bad, he did a great job. But I will tell you this, they don't like to be picked up like other snails with shells, they...
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    Damn Damsel!

    Brian, Thanks, the literature was great I"d love to hear stories on captured critters wih these traps. I could've used one so many times. Several damsels, dottybacks, pygmy angels have eluded me to the removal of all my reef for the capture. My dumb fish that I have caught with a net...
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    Damn Damsel!

    B, Can you elaborate on the traps that you use? Are they commercial or do you DIY them yourself? Mike
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    Damn Damsel!

    Krystin, Can you elaborate how long it took you to catch him? I'm really interested in hearing about the different methods used to capturing an unwanted fish. I remember having to tear down my entire reef just to get my blue damsel, I was so mad :evil: But once I had him out, I was...
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    April Contest - enter your best 'buddies' photo

    Now here is a contest that I really, really want !!! I know dragon will be in this one !!! Mike
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    Warning: Sexies and *some* zoos*

    Ruthie, Incysor and dragon are correct about new residents coming into the neighborhood. My fish even check out any new change whether it be a simple frag or I move a rock. Fish and critters are very intelligent and survivors. I can understand you drop in your prized blue zoos and you...
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    Damn Damsel!

    Krystin, After reading your post, get rid of the Damsel. He has become a bully. Mike
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    Warning: Sexies and *some* zoos*

    Okay Rbaby, In my pico I have over 250 dollars invested in Zoos and saturday I dropped in a Sexy shrimp. He's been crusing all over the tank and picking here and there at everything, but I have yet to see him picking on any one zoo, or better yet attempting to eat tentacles. I just read...
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    New to nano but not to reef few ??s

    Lynn, That sounds like a lot of power on just a 10 gallon tank. Just be sure you adjust the placement of corals if they feel blasted with too much light. Raise them or drop them lower, they will tell you what they like based on there appearance. In reefing anything that is too excessive is...
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    My ten gallon nano.

    I really like your full shot pics. What type of lighting did you say you had on this 10 gallon tank? Mike
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    Damn Damsel!

    Krystin, Regarding your zoos I can answer but tube coral, I don't have one so I cannot comment. Your zoos will be okay, hermit crabs by nature are scavengers and have clumsy shells that they pull around. As they crawl around in search of food they will cause a zoo to retract. But you...
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    problem with clownfish?

    Nanodude, I have same cube as you and two clown fish. My female, the larger one likes to swim on occasion next to the return nozzle and defends it by chasing my hand away if I near it. She hovers there in the night when the lights go off and doesn't even let the little male come close to...
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    Storing mixed saltwater and keeping it fresh

    I keep two 5 gallon jugs air tight in my storage closet. They stay very cold and with zero light. Then when it's time for a water change, which I do every Sunday, I pull out the jugs and take out my spare JBJ stock pump and my 100 watt submersible heater and in they go into the jug. In...
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    Damn Damsel!

    Kristen, Small increments that he can eat is all you need to do. Don't just dump in large portions and have him pick at that. It's time consumming but it will work. Variety of fish food is good, but you should try to flake food it's easy, not messy and works wonders for fish to fill up...
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    Damn Damsel!

    Hi Kristin, A simple solution to your problem is feed first the damsel. There is a point that the damsel will not accept any more food. When you get to this point, you will see that he will not attempt to steal the food from an attempt to feed the coral. Give it a try, I've seen many try...
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    March Photo Contest - Vote for the winner

    I didn't catch who was who? Mike
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    cich1's 5.5

    love your mushrooms, really nice tank... Mike
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    SPS tank, LPS tank, Pico Tank...

    Hey Reefers, Three tanks, three pics, enjoy... It's my evolution of mini reefs, I started with the SPS corals in January 05, most critics said they would die including the crocea clam, NONE HAVE DIED. :D In fact the crocea has been in my tank since October 04. 8) In my LPS tank that...
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    Mike's new Pico....

    Hey Reefers, Updated pics of my pico. I added three new frags. On the far right bottom corner you'll see two small branches of my red macro algae. I fragged this piece from my colony in my cube. To the far left top of the tank, you'll see a fragged piece of an organ pipe that I...