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  1. skipm

    Lighting Concerns

    The light you have is fine, you won't be satisfied with a smaller light. If it makes you feel better I remember reading about a nano that had a DE 250 watt HQI MH pendant over it and other than a lot of evaporation id did fine.
  2. skipm


    Which conference are you considering Erik? I found this conference for those of you on the west coast:
  3. skipm


    You can attatch them where you want them otherwise they'll spread to places where you don't. You may also be able to trade them if you get them mounted on small pieces of LR.
  4. skipm

    New 12g pod startup, and heat issue..

    Sounds like you have some good ideas already but I just wanted to say :welcome to the board.
  5. skipm

    A few setup ideas

    Your plan is very doable, the main reasons you don't hear of cannister filters being used is price and accessability. Cannister filters are just to much trouble to get into to rinse the sponges every week or change the media in when compared to pulling them out of a sump. If you already have...
  6. skipm

    Need some advise on my Nano

    Weekly water changes are the best way to keep nitrates from building up in your system and you are also replaceing trace element with each water change so weekly is highly recommended. You also want to take the biowheel out, there is more surface area on your liverock (how much do you have by...
  7. skipm


    I know what you mean. The conf. in Atlanta is about 4.5 hours or better from my house but at least its not as far as IMAC (always in Chicago) or this years MACNA (Houston). There have been past MACNAs on the west coast, I know it was held in LA awhile back.
  8. skipm

    next chat time and date set

    I hate to hear that. On the bright side maybe I can make the make-up chat. :mrgreen:
  9. skipm

    Pirate's Reef

    I have getting mine started on the list but some other dogs are baking louder right now, including my labrador retreiver, lol. :lol: I'll get some pics when I get it started, hopefully real soon.
  10. skipm

    55 Freshwater

    What are they, I can't see them clearly on my computer.
  11. skipm

    Starting A Tank

    Pics look good. I hope to pick up some picture taking tips at a reefclub meeting tomorrow night where photography is the topic of discussion.
  12. skipm

    Need some advise on my Nano

    First of all :welcome to nanotank! 1. You don't need this, you can keep all of your water parameters good by doing weekly partial water changes of about 10-25%. 2. I would say 2 small fish for this tank period 3 would be pusing things unless you have the tiniest fish. Inverts don't really...
  13. skipm


    I am curious to know if anyone else here has or plans to attend an aquarium conference. I have attended IMAC (International Marine Aquarium Conference) in Chicago in '04 and MACNA (Marine Aquarium Conference of North America) last year in DC. I have plans to attend Saltwater U2 (...
  14. skipm

    ALGONE; An attempt at controlling nitrates...

    Pretty interesting product. If this is at all similar to AZ-NO3 the reason your skimmer went crazy is that it makes the skimmer work more efficiently by making some kind of changes in the water (surface tension maybe?) that makes the skimmer really pull stuff out. I may order some of this to...
  15. skipm

    next chat time and date set

    What happened? Was the chat a bust? If not did anyone save it?
  16. skipm

    Final Question before purchase...

    Hi Geoff, I have 2 Nanocubes and I have looked at the Aquapod. IMO the Pod isn't quite as well built, the feed door is small and hinged cheaply (it was wobbly and it binded on the one I looked at), when I raised the entire hood assembly it made a loud popping noise. It does have a built in...
  17. skipm

    12g Nano Tank (updated 4/15 with Pics)

    Definitely coming together!
  18. skipm


    My tanks are usually in the 79-81 degree range, with the pumps, lighting, powerheads, etc. its not really practicle for me to try and go lower with the temp.
  19. skipm

    Pirate's Reef

    I enjoy each update you give us just to see where you are taking things, you have shown some very creative ideas on this project.
  20. skipm

    Sea horses*serious help here*

    I have to agree with Sadie, though possible to "train" them to eat frozen food eventually they are not really adaptable to being contained in an aquarium like captive bred seahorses are. The CB ponies are much hardier, already adapted to aquarium life, eat frozen food, and are just a better...