i also have a JBJ duel wave maker and two Koralia nano PH's ($40 for all three). still have my 12g aquapod, just triing to get rid of all my extra stuff.
thanks erik
i also have a mag 7 and 36" PC 96w x2 with moon lights FS. mag 7 used for eight months and light just over a year. just put new bulbs in and still have the original bulbs never used. make offer.
pom pom, cause the porcelain crabs are filter feeders and might be hard in such a small tank. if you feed the crab you'll only ruin the water quality in such a small system. HTH
i have a aqua remora nano skimmer used for two months and a ASM mini G skimmer used for six months both for sale, make an offer. as for the ASM its the old style with the pump on the side not in the bottom like the new style. if interested PM me.