ten gallon


New Member
well heres a updated pic of my ten. slowly but surely, still fighting the hair algae. 10 gallon water changes, 30 tiny bluelegs, an assortment of snails and alittle elbow grease will hopefully take care of the problem.....

progress pic of my fuge.....


eric - did you consider cooking that rock since most of your stuff is in the 2 gal anyway


New Member
i thought about it but there is still some stuff pokin out of the rocks. my LFS is going to be getting acouple small sea hairs this week so when they do it will be my last line of defense. if that dont work then ill nuke it.


New Member
OR a Blenny..... my ex-bicolor blenny loved any kind of algea...from hairy to diatom :lol:



New Member
if the sea hare doesnt work, ill definitly try a lawnmower blennie. i tried a yellow tank when i had this problem in my 20L. didnt like the hair algea. i have heard really good things about the sea hares takin care of hair algea. only time will tell. will definitly keep everyone updated.


any number of herbivores could work - the reason i suggested cooking though is because often what happens in a situation like yours the rock may have ended up with a lot of stored nutrient and it will grow algae till it pulls them out. cooking alows bacteria time to do that instead of algae. with that beauty of a sump of yours though, maybe if the hares get the algae off the rock the nutrients will be absorbed by algae growth in the sump - so it should work


New Member
with that statement JD.... you think i should let the hair algae grow instead of cleaing it. letting it grow would lower teh nutrient build up in hte rock, and then let the sea hare go to town. makes sense to me.


when the heater blow-up and killed off my 20 last year - i did just that, let it go for about two months cleaning out algae as it built up and then all of a sudden one day it was all gone - looks like heck in the mean time though :)


New Member
it drives me nuts seeing my tank lookin liike this but at least i have my pico to keep me occupied. actually im in hte process of building another pico, alittle bigger (instead of 8x8, its going ot be 8tallx12widex12deep), and a built-in filteration(overflow, heater, fuge). will have pics tonight.