Setting up a small Nano Tank


New Member
that may be a bit big for your tank and may also pose a heat issue in such a small unit . Another thought is that it may cause water to over flow the tank JMO . The clean up crew in my opinion looks good :mrgreen:


Staff member
If you recheck the specs on the one I listed you will find that it is rated for 39.6 - 79.2 US gal./h, also check the dimensions and you will find the one I listed is very small which is very important when you only have a few gallons to work with. Another powerhead that I didn't look for a link for that has about the same specs is the Zoomed 104. By no means am I saying you have to use the links I give, they are mainly for reference. If you were to shop around you may find the same items I link cheaper, the links are mainly for illustrative purposes.
I think you are on the right track for cleaners. I say a couple of nassarious snails forthe sandbed, 2 or 3 blue legs, and a couple of whichever snail you like for the glass and LR. I would avoid turbo snails though, you will find that they know stuff over all of the time in a small tank. I really like cerith and margarita snails since they are pretty small and get the job done. You may find you need a few more cleaners of one kind or another but start off with a couple of each and then add as necessary so you don't have cleaners staving due to overpopulation. HTH, Skip

PS I just looked at the powerhead link I gave you, take a look at the customer comment made near the end of the listing.


New Member

Hi guys,

My tank came in today. I filled it with water and it holds 9.5 liters of water about 2.5G.

Skip, I would like to get the powerhead that you sent me in the link, but I cannot find it on any Canadian dealers websites. If I order from the USA they charge me a pile of money to send it to Canada. I will look at all the LFS this weekend and see if I can find it here.




New Member

Hi Reefman,

Thanks for the offer I will let you know I am looking into how much it will cost to ship it to Canada. I also can not get a 12" coralife light from my LFS or form the Canada web stores. I will also need to order it from the USA too.




New Member
Thanks for the link incysor.

I am just going to use RO/DI water from my LFS for now. But I might buy one form those guys in the future.

Hi Guys,

I ordered the light; I just got the 9" coralife I gave up finding a 12" model they don't have any in Canada.

Here is the light I have on its way. ... =pc-al0909

I also ordered a Thermometer. This one ... JBJ-CDTEMP

I am filled my tank with water and a bit of LR from my other tank. I am going to post a pic of it in the Tank Photography forum.

Thanks for all your help.



Staff member
I am glad to see that things are starting to come together for you, keep us posted. Skip


New Member

Hi guys

I added a small piece of coral last night. My first coral. My LFS gave me a real good deal on it. There is about 12 small green button Polyps. How often and how much should I feed them? Is PhytoPlex the best to feed them?

I am also not too sure how much coral I can add at a time? I don't want to put too much load on my tank. Is one piece a week good?



Sugar Magnolia

New Member
Depends on the button polyps. It depends on the sp. Some of the larger polyps readily accept all kinds of foods like mysis, cyclop-eeze, flake, etc. Typically, the longer the skirt, the more readily they will accept food. Got a pci of what you bought?

One coral a week is a good start.


Staff member
I would feed something like cyclopeeze or zooplex, polyps are not real phyto eaters IME. Good luck, Skip


Staff member
Target feed it with a few drops once or twice a week until you get several corals in the tank then you may just want to turn the filters off and give the tank a general feeding. The biggest thing now is to make sure you don't overfeed the tank since this can help algae blooms grow. HTH, Skip


New Member

Thanks Skip, I will do that.

Just one question about filters. What media should I have in my filter? I was going to take it all out and just add LR and a heater. Should I leave some of the media in?

Thanks for all the information.



Staff member
A filter is a good place to hide a bag of carbon and some people also like to use a filter pad to remove particulate matter from their tanks but if you do this you need to clean it once or twice a week. The addition of LR rubble adds to your tanks biological filtering capacity.


New Member
I dont remember what filter you are running but we use carbon pads (floss with carbon in the middle) and chemi pure in our filter but as skip says you need to clean them at minimum 1x a week we just use old tank water and agitate them , and we also put new ones in 1x a month :mrgreen:


New Member

Hi guys,

I am running an AC 20; I have all the media in the filter right now (carbon/sponge/bio-pack) I was thinking it could not hurt. I have never heard of chemi pure is that a type of bio-pack?

I have been replacing all the media one a month.

Thanks for all the help guys,
