Update: Month 4. Tank is doing well. I have been busy collecting corals!

) Still scouring my LFSs tanks for stuff that fell off the main rocks. One of the stores just gives the stuff to me. Also have been doing a little trading with a couple of local reefers. Anyway, here are an updated FTS.
Freebie zoos. Saw these floating around on the bottom of one of my LFS's tanks while the owner was getting another coral for me. Asked if I could get them and he threw them in the bag for free. Got home and was surprised at what my new "freebies" looked like.
New zoos (under actinics)
New zoos
Clove polyps
My goby hangin' out in the zoos
New Neon Green Nepthea just after fragging and mounting. This is a generation of one of my favorite corals that was lost in the storm. I was really glad to get this particular coral again and it came from the same mother coral as my old one. It will be the centerpiece of the 140 some day.
New zoos