Thanks Jesse. The skimmer is a "tad oversized" for this system. It's an ER CS6-2. Rated for 75-100 gallons. But it didn't cost me anything extra - very little on this setup did. Already had most of the equipment.reefman23 said:MAN< YOU ARE A DIY MASTER!! That thing is AMAZING!! Love the black sand. It is all SO CLEAN!!
What kind of skimmer is that... how many gallons of water total do you have?
Hi DJ. Is it the last series of pics that you can't see or the ones earlier on in the thread???? Early on, I lost a few images because I use "Reefbucket" to store the pics. They had a slight problem and lost everyone's files. Hope they don't do that to me again. :burningup Let me know if you still can't see them.djconn said:Ah man, where did all the pics go? :sad:
Thanks Jordan.Jordan8008 said::shock: :shock: :shock: NICE :shock: :shock: :shock:
It is a nice skimmer. Actually have two of them. I am only using one of them at the moment. They weren't that expensive. Under $300.reefman23 said:ER cs6-2? Man that is a nice skimmer... big $$$ too!
Ha! Thanks! It does sort of have that mad scientist look about it. Like I have been saying all along, I just put this together for fun, to use some equipment that I already had - and to kill time while I am waiting for major components for my 140 to come in (still waiting BTW). I may still have some issues to deal with on this set up - like heat. Lots of pumps and lights on this thing, so I may not be through DIYing on it yet.ripcurrent said:Dang Gary... your a maaaaad scientist!!!
Now how are the rest of us suppose to compete with this? :mrgreen:
Nah! I am just old and have screwed up more stuff than you over the years. :loon:AlexfromSATX said:True DIY Genius!!! That is great! I hope my DIY project turns out half as good as yours! You have inspired me to take my time on mine and be creative! Your tank looks great! :maitre Can't wait to see it stocked! :loveface
I made it out of lath strips, which I got at Lowe's. It is what is used to make lattice panels from scratch. I think it is just pine. I believe it was only like $4 per 8' length. I think I used about 6 8' pieces. The ends are just 1/2" birch plywood. The frame is made from 1x2 "select pine" from Lowe's.amf82380 said:what kind of wood did you use for the canopey I love the look of that I would like to try something like that maybe in the future.