Thanks everyone!
reefman23 - thanks. yeah this reflector works pretty well. if you were considering one before I'd go for it, they're worth it. As for corals... I'm pretty particular with this little tank so am very selective with what goes in but so far I have probably 12 different variations of zoas, 7 different ricordia, a red blasto, and some neon green star polyps. There is still a handful of things that I'm persuing though... like the zoos in your avatar :mrgreen:
SadieLynn - what is up :rsml: ya know I'm not sure if I want to paint it or not. originally I wanted to paint it like an aluminum color to match the pendant but now I'm debating. I kinda like the copper look. What do you think I should do?
skipm - you would have laughed had you seen my original 2x4 light stand... oh man dont remind me, that thing was hilarious.

ukf: Thanks for the compliments. I'll keep the updates rolling!
Jordan8008 - I guess I was kinda going for the "science project" look and it turned out looking pretty clean. Thanks for the compliments. :win:
I hope to post up some new pics of the corals and will as soon as my new lense arrives.