new ten gallon


New Member
just finished setting up my old ten gallon. i stocked it with frags and some other corals from my twenty.going to up grade my lighting soon. will have pics soon after...


New Member
Sounds sweet. I think I will probably setup my 10 gallon again once I get my 400w halide. Going to put the 250 over the 10. Sounds extreme I know. But its going to look AWSOME!


New Member
wow 250m over your ten........i only have 96 of PC and i thought that was good,and ive heard of 70 and 150. nice
i hope to have pics soon of my ten...
cant wait to see yours.....


New Member
mines made by coral life and its twenty inches long so it fits perfect on a ten....for a five you will probably have to do some customizing......


New Member
I can get a retro kit. it will be a tad to long but i can retro it. Im going to do the over drive the NO light first though.


New Member
i have to rescape the tank to make room for some frags and other as soon as it clears up..


New Member
ahhhh...can't wait to see the rics. I absolutely love mine. They have so much texture and color.


New Member
i love them to but my LFS thinks there endangered....they want an arm and a leg for them. 40-50 bucks per shroom and the shroom is usually the size of a it that way everywhere.


New Member
Yeah, they are pricey. I usually spend $15-30 per shroom in Texas. Rarer colors can be up to $40-70 per shroom. :shock:


New Member
ok i though i was getting ripped off but i guess its not that bad....thanks

what would be the rarer colors?


New Member
i rescaped it, it looks completely different....have pics soon
i had to rescape so that i could house more of my corals and frags from my 20L. my 20L is no going to completely break it done and mod a bunch of stuff and try a couple of new things.....ill set it back up someday. now im just putting more attention into my ten...