TIM: Well he will be missed but he didnt go carpet surfing he jump on 1st chamber and was there for 1minute top and then when i realize he was there i try to put him back but he did it him self next day half/dead and then next day gone .. he didnt go out to eat so he is a gonner he never mist a feeding time!! but ill miss him.. :cry:
ERIK: well u think we are... mmmm i dont think so J/k :lol3: :lol3: gotta love zoas... talking about it what inspired the love for zoas to become an zoaholic like me ??? my inspiration was dickies tank full of zoas.
BRANDON: thx yeah it did a really nice work the 4x24w is doing mirracles with my zoas they look alot better but still need more light vivid colors so im going to try MH with PC again this time better ideas and professional help and also going to 20k since zoas love the blue spectrum ill keep you posted and when we finish my new hood ill show you pic of it..and maybe later on ill mod your hood :mrgreen: also hows the 3x24w working for your..
JESSE: thx for the complement

is not that good really well is gonna get better when i upgrade to MH once more!!! hope this time goes well everything is better planed...

i know i love those orange shrooms too soon one will go to jennies tank and well jesse has one already and he can tell you how amazing they, are really neon looking really nice but anyways thx for the congrats i feel so flatter that my pic is next to nanotank.com sign for the 2nd time

im so happy.... and well yeah the zoas on wall are growing really nice and my object is to cover tha horrible black wall with zoas! and well on tuesday ill post a comparison on growth of the zoas on wall july from september!

dont know what to say more than thx glad you like my tank

stop already well keep the complements coming lol thx glad you like that much my tank im doing my best to keep it as good as everyone else tanks!!
STEVEN: well no the MH is not running i did a bad step on the MH and i burn my zoas and they look really bad and i lost all my blues and some red zoas but well i updated to 4x24w and all the remaining zoas that were burn recover their true color cause all were brown even the Eagle Eyes but now everyone is the same as before and even more neon light color everyone is looking great but not good enough so im upgrading to MH again but with more planing ahead and more careful plans with a guy helping me to put my MH in my hood and alot of ventilation you can see in the link below what we gonna do to my hood..
http://www.everythingsalty.com/forums/s ... .php?t=439
and well sure im gonna miss jar jar was a thing like love hate thing we had.. :cry:
ROONMAC: let me tell you i was really impress with your pic i thought you were gonna win cause was really sharp and everything a hard thing to do on taking top tank pics you have some great skills there only thing were missing more color :mrgreen: and well i was like searching and looking and looking who was the one that took that pic and i knew whos entree were but not yours until now great job you really made me sweat this one i think your pics is really amazing but glad i win :langle :lol3: muahahaha good man keep the good work i really admire your work really sharp i hope i can take pics as sharp as yours that will be ahsome (sorry for the spelling)
thx to all :langle you all make me happy that you like my tank