Corals looking Sorry


New Member
I have just bought 2 new corals from my LFS and they are looking a bit glum in the store they look amazing and now 48 hours on and they havn't shown their true beauty. i have just done a water change and i wonder if anyone knows of any ideas to help prop them up.

As i have just spent £90 on these 2

These are in a Nano tank

Ritsuko N

New Member
Let me see if I understood that...You bought two great looking corals at the LFS and now that you have had them at home for 48 hours and done a water change they arent looking so good...right?

There could be a number of reasons for this. The difference in water quality in your tank VS what the LFS had in theres. A little difference in PH or Alk or a dozen other things like that can have a profound effect often times on new additions. Temperature difference could also be a factor. Although after about 48 hours one would think they would be over any differences in something this small. Difference in lighting from the LFS to your tank could also be a factor as well. This is not to imply that you have inadequate lighting but for SPS corals the difference in being under 20K halides at the LFS and then coming to your home with 10k halides can have a profound effect. For example when I change out 14K bulbs in my SPS tank things are kinda crazy for a few days while the new bulb which is more intense to begin with compared to the spent one thats about out of gas and has shifted in color. It doesnt seem like much to us but for a coral this is a huge change. I am sure there are a thousand other reasons for sure that would cause your corals to pout for a few days while they slowly adjust and adapt to the conditions in your tank.

Since many of us have Nano Reefs water changes can dramatically change the water chemistry in the tank more so than one might realize. For example I easily loose a gallon a day just to evaporation in my 20 gallon SPS tank. Instead of pouring the make up water in I will drip it into the tank over a couple of hours to lessen the impact of additional water being added to top things off. I do the same thing when adding make up water using a small hose to siphon water from a bucket into the tank. This prevents sudden and sometimes drastic changes from occuring in my tank making the changes in water chemistry more gradual.

Not sure what the problem is but these may be some of the cuases potentially. Hopefully they bounce back soon, none the less for wear and tear.


New Member
cheers i think il try a more slow method of water change tomorrow when im off work. should i try a 50% water change over maybe 3-4 hours?

my corals have a decent water flow in their direction one of my corals which as been in mytank since day 1 is flourishing just my 2 new additions arnt.

also i bought a boxer shrimp that i was told would be 100% fine with a cleaner shimp. he lasted 20 minutes, by the time i got my net my cleaner had pulled himt o bits is this normal?

Ritsuko N

New Member
If your water quality is up to par, then I see no reason why you should need another water change. I sus[ect that additiobnal drastic changes would only prolong and prehaps further stress them while they try to adjust to the new tank and water. If you do any top offs or additional water chages later down the road then I would at least use some aquarium air tubing and slowly sipghon the new water into the tank. This will create a more gradual change and allow everyone inside a chance to slowly adjust.

With a few exceptions for the most part shrimp usually tolerate each other. Sometimes though its still a bit of a crap shoot or roll of the dice. There are some species such as the Banded Coral Shrimp which can be pretty aggresive towards other shrimp and down right hostile towards its own species unless they are a mated pair. So I would contend that while its not normal in most cases its not a "big supprise" either. either way sorry for your loss.


New Member
you should not do another water chage its to soon, and you should never do 50% it will throw off everything. I did a 50% water change in a freshwater tank when I first started in the hobby & learned the hard way. Only do 10% a week or 20% every two depending on how many thing you have in the tank.


New Member
you should not do another water chage its to soon, and you should never do 50% it will throw off everything. I did a 50% water change in a freshwater tank when I first started in the hobby & learned the hard way. Only do 10% a week or 20% every two depending on how many thing you have in the tank.
I have to disagree about the 50% water changes. It is perfectly safe as long as you match temp, SG, and pH as closely as possible. I do weekly changes of anywhere from 3g-5g on a tank that is 12g with an actual water volume of around 9 gallons. I just match the temp and SG etc and the corals do even so much as close up.



New Member
I have discovered my problem!!! High Nitrates Very low Ammonia!!! As im new to marine fish also my LFS never advised me upon when i change my water i need to buy R/O water Aswell.

Soo my salt lvl was at 42.0 instead of between 25-35 soo since then id say in my nano tank ive changed approxiamtly 3-4 Litres over the past few days which i will continue to do soo until i reach an average lvl of salt.

Thus should also help for now dilute the nitrates until it balances out.

Part of this was to slighlty over feeding my fish.

This is what i have noticed since i took myself out the picture and thought what i have been over doing.

How long will my corals last survive without opening up and if soo is their anything else apart from what im now doing to help balance out the tank?


New Member
I have kept fresh water fish also for years ive done 100% water changes with them and never lost a fish! as having the right chemicals etc is great to solve 99% of their problems.

Marine fish is something like everything experience is needed. which comes with time. Soo the best place to save time is to use advice from those with :D experience