that link is awesome. I guess I'll swap out my 3/4" riser with a 1-1/4". Thanks.
The Sump? Well I'm pretty handy with DIY stuff so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I did a little research online to see how people have built them out of Acrylic. I guess most people use the weldon 4 stuff. All of my tools are up at my Cabin in Big Bear so I thought I would use the little knife tool and use silicone instead, because my cuts weren't going to be clean enough with out my saw and router. I bought the Lexicon stuff that is sold right there next to the acrylic saying it creates the best bond for Plexi and Acrylic.
So I took my time with it to try to get the best cuts and the best bond possible. yesterday I was finished and everything was dry. I filled it about half way and put my pump in to check out the flow. The pump was producing too much and my 2 one inch drains could keep up with it. couldn't figure out why. so I turned off the pump so the tank wouldn't overflow and took off Babies R us and to my LFS (Coral Oasis). I went home to figure out why my drain lines weren't working and there was still no sign of any problems with the sump. I turned the elbows on my drains side ways to get more water and less air in the drain tube. Ran the pump for about 10 minutes and the drains were working much better. then I took one of the elbows off to cut some lines in it. When I was putting it back on the tank I heard a ruch of water and my feet were soaked. I looked down and the bottom corner in the sump gave way. A night mare is all I can say. Luckily my wife wasn't home and I got the swimming pool cleaned up called her and told her to stay at her mom's. She came home with Ice cream and took it like a champ, although I haven't heard from her all day.
That's the story of an ignorant man trying to save a buck.

I'm going to by a premade sump tonight. Thanks for reading. Don't try this at home.