12g NANO LIGHT UPGRADE (70w vrs 150w this time) 05.04.06


New Member
Ok so my question is what should I do update to MH or more PC for my nano cube my purpose of this update is only cause I want to get the best of my zoanthids right now im happy with my tank but if updating my lights my zoanthinds will improve color im willing to do it so any advice or any opinion what fixture could be better for pop my zoanthids colors….
Correntrly I have:

• Eagle eye zoa
• Dragon eye zoa
• Green eye dragon zoa & polys
• Pink zoas
• Green envy zoa
• Purple zoa with white mouth
• Red/brown polys
• Purple with green mouth polys
• Ligh pink zoas with green skirt
• Light neon green zoas
• Yellow, green, orange skirt zoas with grey center

So please I need your help… advice thx for your time …

P.S: don’t know nothing about difference of MH with PC or anything about light so any info will be appreciated…. Thx MY ZOANTHIDS WILL BE REALLY THANKFUL TOO…



Active Member

I would go with the increase in Power compacts as I have read that this type of lighting is especially good for zoos, enhances the color more than MH...

With MH your zoos need adjusting and when they do, they will start multiplying like crazy, more than PC lighting in my experience...

The colors look more natural under MH, depends on what Kelvin you use. Normally you would have heating issues with a MH but with the viper being 6 inches away from the surface you'll be okay...



New Member
mikeguerrero said:

I would go with the increase in Power compacts as I have read that this type of lighting is especially good for zoos, enhances the color more than MH...

With MH your zoos need adjusting and when they do, they will start multiplying like crazy, more than PC lighting in my experience...

The colors look more natural under MH, depends on what Kelvin you use. Normally you would have heating issues with a MH but with the viper being 6 inches away from the surface you'll be okay...

ok mike see if i got it so for color 4 pc's will be better and for multiply MH??

i want bouth but if pc makes them look better i guess ill go with a DIY and add 2 more 50/50 in my tank....and the multiply issue doesnt matter if they doit fast or slow what i want is a pop on the color...


Staff member
You can always get a growout tank and have the Viper over it just to get them to multiply for trading or whatever and use the PC tank for a display tank.


ed i would go with this if i had a 12 gal nano and enough money to buy whatever i wanted i would buy something like this

these fixtures are much more versitile in hanging height which will help you to avoid heat issues any height you want. i would go with a 10K 70W or a 20K 150 W
this is because as far as PAR goes a 70W 10K probably puts out as much usable light as a 20K 150W bulb.

http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem. ... duct=AQOL1

http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem. ... duct=AQOL4

these come with AB bulbs - very good quality you can just throw the hood of that tank out and install a fan if you have heating issues...

and who knows one day you may go bigger and this light can follow you to any tank size unlike all the money you'll put into upgrading that nano is wasted
JMO....... and your zoas will pop (growth and color!!!) under 10K or 20K MH far better then any PC will do i'll guarantee - cause i've tried it....


New Member
I was actually going to head over to marinedepot.com and grab the same link John just posted for the 150 watt version. I ran a 70watt pendant over my NC12 zoo tank and I always wished I had gone with the 150watt version. Those AquaMedic lights are awesome too. Definitely go with a 20k bulb though.


Active Member
If you do go with the MH, remember the 20K are beautiful and have a deep blue look....

But if you want the daylight bright look go with the 14K, they are sweet, everything looks so natural, like looking into the world without any hints of blues, it's hard to explain...

In other words Ed, nothing escapes your eye when you have a 14K every grain looks so more detailed than 20K.

I run both, one in my living room is 20K and the bedroom is 14K, I wanted different themes...



yea they run the 250W over their frag tank at the dr F@S retail outlet and the color is really nice in 20K and the unit is pretty slick looking not quite as nice looking as the hang on tank aqualights, but far more versitile in hanging height so acclimating would be a breeze, and overheating should be far less of a concern. and although i really like my DIY pendent, if i wasn't a DIYer, i would be running the 250 20K on my figi i think????


New Member
WELL YOU GUYS IM REALLY SORRY THAT I DIDNT REPLY sooner and thx to all for the great info. and the links you provide john&dawn i guess if i go with the MH ill go with 150W i would like the natural light that will provide the 70W just like Mike said but if im going with the MH i want to go to the stronger one...... and well we were talking more about the MH so i guess the way to go ...is MH to imrove and pop my zoanthids colors .....but i thought for color will be better just add 2 more 50/50 a total of 96W..... and well i also dont want the zoas to bleach so thats why? i needed more info..... but the one i know is experimenting that is johndawn... if not wrong he mentioned in one of his threads that he had same colony under PC & MH and with the PC the zoas had more color and look more beautiful and in MH the zoas will multiply faster is that right everyone and johndawn??????

So if that theory is right i would go with more PC light 50/50 but at least someone that is looking for updating to MH this thread is gonna be helpful cause you guys gave alot on info about it and the best deals on MH and wich one you recommend .....

So im still devating i still dont get it too much :roll: but i do like the look of the MH looks really natural and i dont know it looks fine i sow a nanowith the MH and look fine but i want more pop in color of my zoas more than to multiply them or how light looks......so for what i want u think PC is the right choise.


no ed i said that IMO the color of zoas is better under MH - they are brighter and pinks, blues, oranges and greens are much nicer. also there were a few people who chimbed in and agreed that they found the same thing - MH is nicer for COLOR and growth! reefman and harial both agreed that the color of their zoas was better under MH

here is the thread


i will go back in their and edit my post with better pics as soon as i get a chance

brief description of K values for you ed:

6500 best PAR = sunlight - most say it is to "yellow" and don't like it

10K "bright white" probably the most common color used but many sup this with actinic to get a little bluer look, but doesn't have to be. exellent PAR

14K less PAR but slightly blue, nice look overall if you have just a single MH bulb

20K very blue eliminates the need for any actinic bulbs but has a very low PAR rating so most people run these only on high Watt bulbs check this sight


for example the PAR on my brand/size bulb are on a 20K is 35 and a 10 K is 63 see what i mean about their being nearly twice as much usuable light in a 10 K so you can get awy with a smaller 10 K or a larger 20K

did this help some???


New Member
reefman23 said:
This is my final answer... if you are going to go MH, go with the 150 watt with a 20,000k bulb...

OK OK .... SO everyone please so we all we all agree that MH then ok know if again everyone agree that this light MH

http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem. ... duct=AQOL4

is the best desicion on the 150 watt and 20,000k bul ... ill get that one from marinedepot.com even that means to say bye bye to my saving or if someone has better deals than that link light please tell me guys i want to reduce the cost to upgrade to MH .... but if you think nothing will work for me ill go with that one on link....

Like they say you get what u pay for.... so we all agree?????

P.S: if i go with this light MH jesse my friend you would have to help me on how to put it on my tank ...ideas and all .... ill pay with frags if thats what you were gonna say ha... :lol3:


New Member
And also ... quick question how often will i have to change bulb every year or when it dies...?????