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  1. S

    Suggestions needed on stocking tank

    Good - I was hoping for 5. Theres so much conflicting info on space requirements!!
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    Suggestions needed on stocking tank

    60g reeftank, starting out FOWLR but want to add mushroom and leather corals (toadstool coral and ricordia have me drooling) after awhile, am just setting up now but will have 60# live sand, 75# live rock, protein skimmer, and 2 powerheads running about 1300 gph. I have a mechanical filter but I...
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    Flame/Coral Beauty Angels = death to corals???

    I don't have enough wattage so I won't be getting any clams (sadly), but I would like SOME corals. Would they be okay with leathers and some mushroom corals? I'm having a hard time finding sites that are specific on what LPS really are by species name...can someone link me a page that gets...
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    Flame/Coral Beauty Angels = death to corals???

    I have heard many many different opinions on keeping dwarf angels in a reef, and I'd like to see what experiences people on the forums have had with these fish. I have a 60g reef (mechanical filter protein skimmer powerhead 1200gph sg .23 levels 0 all around 78degrees) that currently is just...
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    Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit

    I've decided to ditch the kit and go get a biocube - yay!
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    Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit

    I just posted about converting my 55g to sw instead of keeping this kit, and these were some of the questions I had. I do not have an r/o unit at my house, but what I've done in the past is use the tap water but let it stand for a day or two before adding to my tank (this was a discus tank tho)...
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    Convert 55g or start new nanotank? sw newbie

    I posted about the new kit I was given, but now I'm thinking about exchanging it for a fluval canister filter and converting my 55g cichlid tank into sw. I have standard flourescent lighting on my 55g, so I wouldn't be able to get any funky corals without upgrading, but would that be enough...
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    Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit

    I've been wanting to try saltwater (I've had freshwater for years, mainly african cichlids and discus), and i recently was given this kit as a gift. Is this a good starter kit, and what upgrades would be necessary? It has a Bio-filter, tank is 12g. Is this a good starting point, I'm really...