Flame/Coral Beauty Angels = death to corals???


New Member
I have heard many many different opinions on keeping dwarf angels in a reef, and I'd like to see what experiences people on the forums have had with these fish. I have a 60g reef (mechanical filter protein skimmer powerhead 1200gph sg .23 levels 0 all around 78degrees) that currently is just full of LR. I would like some corals in the future, but I'm still deciding on fish. I would be adding some mushrooms and leather corals only (don't have light for more currently, only 3 wpg right now). I also plan to have 2 percula clowns, some green chromis, purple firefish, and possibly a yellow tang.


New Member
I don't have enough wattage so I won't be getting any clams (sadly), but I would like SOME corals. Would they be okay with leathers and some mushroom corals? I'm having a hard time finding sites that are specific on what LPS really are by species name...can someone link me a page that gets specific on what corals would be ok?


New Member
LPS is a generic term for large polyped corals like favies, open brains, blastos, acans, lobos, fungia, candy canes, frogspawns ect. anything large and fleshy.
this is one of those topics though that i doubt you will find any agreement on - for every person who says don't someone else will say you can. dwarf angels and corals is a very frequently asked but never truely answered question - because the answer is SOME angels MAY pick at SOME corals in SOME cases..........
i myself would not even try one in my tank where the emphasis is corals (and i do have clams). i do not want to have to tear the rockwork apart if it should start nipping. your case is different, since the emphasis seems to be fish, and corals are only a secondary thing, maybe an angel would be OK. IMO if i had a fish only tank - a couple of very pretty dwarf angels (flame, coral beauty) would be at the top of the stocking list....
research the archives at wetwebmedia.com - they have millions of FAQ about this topic