Suggestions needed on stocking tank


New Member
60g reeftank, starting out FOWLR but want to add mushroom and leather corals (toadstool coral and ricordia have me drooling) after awhile, am just setting up now but will have 60# live sand, 75# live rock, protein skimmer, and 2 powerheads running about 1300 gph. I have a mechanical filter but I don't think I'm going to use that, I'm going to start this way and may add canister filtration (go fluval!) if I'm finding that I need more. My tank isn't drilled, and I'm also looking into building a back hanging sump for the future. But heres the fish wish list so far:

Ocellaris Clown x 2
Flame Angel OR Coral Beauty Angel (haven't decided yet)
Green Chromis x 3 (would I be able to have 5?)
Royal Gramma
Scooter Blenny

Inverts: misc snails/blue legged hermits
Arrow Crab
Emerald Crab
Cleaner Shrimp
MAYBE a sexy shrimp?

Can you give me recommendations on possibly a nudibranch and your opinions on my plan for fish? I'd like to get the clowns after 2 months or so and then add more fish as time goes on, planning on once-a-month-ish additions, water levels allowing...this is my first reeftank but I'm very experienced with freshwater.

The Kapenta Kid

New Member
I have similar plans for a 55 gal FOWLR which I recently started on a minimal basis. See here
I'd say yes you can and should have 5 green chromis. So much better than 3, both for you to watch and for the fish themselves.
The red scooter blenny has specialized diet requirements, which I'm sure you have read about, so don't add it until you are well established.
I'd forget the nudibranch. They are obligate feeders and hard to keep alive, I have one which turned up as a hitchhiker in my 15gal Nano, but I certainly wouldn't buy one.