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  1. S

    updates pics...

    Absolutley stunning :shock: your tank is comming along quite nicely .....It is beautiful Reef . Loving the clam as well it should be happy in your system :mrgreen:
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    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    Island Return the trigger they need a 100 gallon or larger and they become meaner as they age ....they also have teeth and are known to nip/bite the hand that comes in to clean and mantain the tank ....I think that the trigger you have may be Undulated Trigger.......Nastiest one on the...
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    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    Yes that is a very real possibilty that the trigger took the clown out and chances are that he in fact did take him out ..Trigger fish are very agressive fish that are only good for FOWLR and alone as they are an agressive fish so set him up in a species only tank .... with out knowing what...
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    Question on salt choices

    There can be a diffrence in the trace elements and other things added to the salt thus causing algae blooms and out breaks however if you were to change over to a diffrent brand do so slowly so that your system has a time to recover from the change of the trace that you dont up the...
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    The up side in my opinion is that it keeps from drawing in any of the contaminated air to the tank I would say that once you can enter the house that you should be safe to turn them back on ever when using these products the suspend in air and dispurse all over the house or room thus...
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    Nanotank Frag Swap II

    Dickie How rotton and sad that is I am sorry that you were taken to the cleaners ....I know that there are crooks out there but please know most people are good . Dickie I cry for people who do that to the "good" people out there...... :sad:
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    I would seal the tank with a plastic wrap as you said turn off filters and pumps for the time to prevent them from entering the tank.....I would place 2 layers on taping around the bottom of the tank each time making sure that you seal it well ...then go by the instructions as to when you can...
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    Nanotank Frag Swap II

    Dickie who stuck you ? :cry:
  9. S

    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    He may or may not attack other fish they can be a bit unpredictible as for the eye just keep an eye on it no pun intended keep water quality up and it should go away it could be the start of popeye but most likely is an abrasion from packing (trauma) and should heal on its own :mrgreen:
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    dang they look better in your tank than mine however I cant see the bottom one cause of the silly clown :mrgreen: I hope to trade with you again in the future as well your the best :mrgreen:
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    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    yes trigers will eat your crabs .... it could be popeye with out pic hard to say more likely a truama related injury best treated with High water quality and a stress free calm enviroment :mrgreen:
  12. S

    Here we go starting my first nano... *LOOK*

    It sounds like a diatom bloom ,I would add a bit of circulation to the tank , cut back on the feedings to the fish and add a few more blue leg hermits to help stir it up :mrgreen:
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    UV what do you reefers think?

    Mike Wishing you only the best at this point as you do have a very beautiful tank I would love to see it blossom and you to be able to enjoy it and all the hard work you have placed into this tank I would say what harm could it do it is worth a try at this point
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    Cyano Bloom

    I would recommend siphioning it out and increase your flow ,also kick the lights off or shortent the photo period back that should help kill it .....since it is a new tank this is just a normal part of it ....if all else fails you could try the stuff Mike recommended or chemi-clean but try the...
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    Frag swap with Jennie

    Here are the pics of the swap from Jennie everything is open and is doing well. I absolutely would trade with her again she is AWSOME I definatly recommend her :mrgreen:
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    Nanotank Frag Swap II

    I just did my frag swap with Jennie so I am out of small stuff for now :sad:
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    nano frag swap again

    hey I swapped this time and even left you feed back at the top :mrgreen:
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    I think I'm ready to start my first tank

    thanks for catching that Skip .....I could not remember if it was 1/2 to one gallon or a cup to a gallon :mrgreen:
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    nano frag swap again

    JENNIE this is your thing :mrgreen:
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    Cycling my 12G

    It can be normal depending on the LR used was it cured or uncured? Uncured can take a long while to see declines in perameters ... how ever if in a week or 2 you are still high you could do a small water change of 1 gallon or 2 gallons .....but this can prolong the cycle (tho that small should...