Search results

  1. S

    I think I'm ready to start my first tank

    Hi and welcome :welcome 10 gallon tank great tank to start with . florecent hood would work with would need to update the lighting if you would choose to keep corals I would look into several from and you should be able to find a...
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    Traders Feedback

    Absolutley positive feed back for Jennie well packed arrived alive :maitre :thanks :confused3: :bigthumup:
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    Which macro would be best in my cube?

    I would recommend chateo :mrgreen: It grows well with little light
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    Cleanig Glass?

    watch with those scrapers that are metal as the metal and salt water will cause them to rust and you dont want that going into the tank ...... I have plastic razors that I use I get them from here great product and no cuts to yourself :mrgreen:
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    Need some advise on my Nano

    They are not diamorphicly sexable (either fish) and yes it is normal for them to "play" in the sand :mrgreen:
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    Future chat dates and scheduling ....

    Ok the poll is pretty much a 3 way tie so here is what we will do for the chats....... from the information gathered at the poll I think we have a good solution. Now I know that it is impossible to have the perfect time for every one but what we can do is try to make it easier for all to...
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    Nano Recall

    Skip Can we say "clear" :ha:
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    New Setup - AGA 75 Gallon Pre-Drilled

    Andre your system ROCKS :shock: :mrgreen:
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    Nano Recall

    :shock: WOW that sucks especially those who have em and have em set up
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    buy corals online

    There are a few I order from live aquaria.ocm and am 100% happy with them :mrgreen:
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    Live Rock ?

    stability is the key with many things in these tanks , ideally you want your ph around 8.2 -8.4 IMHHO :mrgreen:
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    Clownfish Blotching

    soak the foods that you want them to consume in the garlic water all total you do not want it to sit more than 20-30 minutes so crush the garlic add tank water add your food let sit 15-20 minutes feed fish you can feed this to your fish every other day or so
  13. S

    Live Rock ?

    Ph can be low due to a number of reasons most common is inadequate oxygen air exchange systems with tight fitting lids usually have a lower ph than one that has an open top also opening the windows will also help raise it ...if you test with the lights off it may be lower as well and if you test...
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    Lighting Concerns

    If you hang it you will loose alot of par it is not a really strong enough to hang that high up so use the legs you will be a bit better off JMHHO :mrgreen:
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    Best way to keep Live Rock together?

    Hi welcome I agree with john on this but we have some really difficult pieces here so I ordered some epoxy stick to help but I have drilled some and used plastic screws to hold them together but most times it is a "lego" game to spin and twist have fun with it and again :welcome
  16. S

    Need some advise on my Nano

    No remove it get some CURED live rock ...I would start over so to speak get your live rock and add it now it is a risk so to speak but it is for the benifit for the tank ...Keep the sand you have . RO/DI is reverse osmosis deionized water if you cant find it distilled from wal mart will work...
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    Clownfish Blotching

    Yep get regular garlic found in your market and crush 1 clove (we use a mortar /pestal to crush but a spoon in a baggie ,dish or the like would work too) soak in tank water and food for NOT more than 20 minutes . Add to the tank 2-3 times a week the garlic will not harm your tank just stink your...
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    Clownfish Blotching

    I would not worry too much as it is probably a stress to the "new" enviroment that he is now in ......I would not dose any more melafix right now .....He does NOT need an anenome , most tank bred clowns dont know what to do with them as they have never seen one so that is not something that you...
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    Clownfish Blotching

    It could be irritation from corals ..however I am lead to believe that it is just a stress reaction or change of enviroment ....keep your water perameters pristine and make sure he is eating well. Perhaps add some selcon and garlic to the diet ...Garlic contains allicin(sp) that increaseses the...
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    Lighting Concerns

    I think personally with 80 watts you should be fine to keep anything (almost anyway) if it is a coral that does not require alot of light try to place it bottom or in a shaded area ....80 watts on a 10 gallon is just fine in my humble honest opnion ........I personally run 72 on a 7 gallon tank...