yukkkk during water change


New Member
just did a water change of about 30% after which i noticed a lot of stringy looking spiderweb yuk
Ibelieve i read on one of the post a whileback that this was some type of algea but not sure if this is what I have
after a few days though it seems to have dissapated
other than this the tank seems to be doing well is this something i should worry about ?
also just added an atlantic anemone but within a week my other one died
could this have anything to do with the new anemone?
all else in tank seems to be just fine did all my tests & perams are good water is @ .022 nites 0 no ammonia
although my star( wife bought it cause it cute is always hiding in back lol :lighting


New Member
dancefish said:
just did a water change of about 30% after which i noticed a lot of stringy looking spiderweb yuk
Were these web-loioking things coming off of the corals/anemones or the rocck or what? Sometimes corals can slime up after a water change where they become slighty stressed or irritated.

dancefish said:
also just added an atlantic anemone but within a week my other one died. could this have anything to do with the new anemone?
Exactly what kind of anemone did you get? If you arent sure, do you have a picture? What kind of lighting and what size tank do you have again? Its hard to keep track of what everybody has! I doubt that one anemone killed the other unless they were right next to each other and were irritating one another.



New Member
atlantic anemone probably means condylactus which is a problem. these things are sold cheap, often handled very poorly, and have a very poor survival rate in aquariums - i would not recommend anyone buy these even if they seem like a deal - and besides clowns don't normally host in them anyway if that is what you were hoping for
most starfish also do not belong in a reef - if it is the infamous chocolate chip it is predatory and needs to be feed pieces of shrimp or mussle
the stringy stuff as jesse said is likely coral slime - depending on exactly what corals you have some may react that way if the water change was drastically different then the tank water causing a stressful condition. be sure to match major params (salinity pH and temp) as close as possible if you do a large water change like 30%. if you have trouble matching params it is better to do smaller water changes more frequently


New Member
had no coral when this happened & it looked like it came form the rock
tank is 24 glln nano
1 ywg
2 clowns
1 damsel
1 shrimp
1serpent star
snails & hermits
although all seems well now :idea: just caught me off guard when it happened
now though wife brought home some zenia & another coral some type of tree i believe all seem to be doing well along w/ the clearing of the stringy stuff it just dissapeared & glad it did will keep watch out for it at next waterchange


New Member
pictures :?: :idea: :mrgreen:
of which the tank or the wife lol
ohhhhhhhhhh you must mean the new additions............ not yet , still trying to figure out how to load picts onto this site
as far as the atlantic anemone goes it is not ( not ) a condylactis actually it came from bermuda but is still called an atlantic its a creamy white color w/ a purpleish blue tips on the end of its tenticles momma bought it cause it looked pretty :lol: :oops: just doesnt understand not all things can go together yet ..... but she is learning hope to convince her to let me get her her own tank so she will quit trying to go crazy with mine although what is the harm if she wants to play with mine( djg'khg :moonin ) guess I just give it to her :maitre & give it to her .................... & start another