Yellow Leather coral


New Member
I have this :D yellow leather coral that's been in my tank for about 2 weeks. it's doing fine :smile: except sometimes the edges get really black and die off :eek: . Is it dying? :cry: I thought I read somewhere that they shed a lot of dead skin. Is this what they meant? :?:


New Member
Normally when they shed the outer 'skin' it's a clearish sheet. If it's black (just lost my leather awhile back) then I would say that it is dying. How long have you noticed the 'black edges'? If it's been a few days, check for amonia. A water change is always a good idea.


New Member
Thanks for the info Jennie. It doesn't do it every day. It does it once a week and it's a small piece that just comes off when I take it off with the tweezers. My ammonia is a 0, nitrates at 10( i know high) that'll change soon...i'm doing water changes weekly and nitrates 0. I still have to buy a calcium test. Thanks though.


New Member
Sounds to me like its dying if it is black in color. I'd take it out and smell it. If it smells foul, its dying. :(

Get ready for a water change.


New Member
I read somewhere you can cut off the crown and start another. If its the edges dying back maybe it's worth a try.