will an anenome


New Member
will an anenome consume a chromis
the reason I ask this is my remaining chromis disappeared today I saw the anenome poop out and his remains in the tenicals


New Member
if it was weakened I imagine. Or if it was sick and it got caught. If healthy, they'd know not to try their luck. Weird though...sorry for the loss.


New Member
Thanks dragon just wondering not sure he seemed fine so I figure that he got stung and eaten . Funny thing is that he was fine this am with the feedings but then by 4pm I couldnt find him , what ever ate him devoured him compleatly in a matter of hours ,
spg 1.025
ammonia 0 ppm
nitrIte 0 ppm
high ph 8.4
nitrAte 0 ppm
so I will be watching for a small cycle ah well no more chromis in this tank for a while I cant seem to keep the boogers :roll:
so there will only be the 2 clown fishies for the time being :mrgreen:


Active Member

Chromis like to be in schools and they do poorly alone. I have found that alone they tend to get disorientated in a tank and really become skitish bouncing from side to side with any sudden movements.

This being the case they probably bounced right into the anenomes tentacles during the night.

Once you add an anemone to any tank, large or small you always risk the loss of any fish members. It's so much easier for the fish to dart right into the anenome when the tank is small.

Chromis will school during the day hours and then at night they instinctively will hide in the crevices avoiding predation.

But with an anenome in the night who knows what can happen as some anemones will inflate to twice there size at night when you are in bed and they are trolling for food.

Sorry for your loss....

Mike G


New Member
Thanks mike we had a
"school" of 3 at one point he was here this morning and around noon then at 4 I noticed he disappeared


Staff member
Sorry to hear about your loss. I have to agree that if it got in the reach of the anenome it was made into dinner. Chromis don't seem to act right to me unless they are in a group of at least six, smaller numbers just seem like they are lost.


Active Member
Skipm is right,

I have a school of 8 chromis and they school together and are more bold than when I just had three.

They will venture more parts of the tank, together as a group and feed aggresively with each other.

Sadie, how about a pair of firefish?

Mike G


New Member
Naw I have the 2 clowns I am going to keep that as my max for now . I think that when I got rid of the maroon gold stripe clown because he got too big it broke his heart.... they were pals doing a lot of swimming together and even sleeping together :) I am not to hear broken over the loss of him because I never could keep chromises alive more than 3 months :roll: :oops:
So I am letting the tank sit with the 2 clowns for now and maybe later will look into a fire fish or 2 :mrgreen: