Danmc00, I honestly say that the answer you are searching for really is dependant on what you intend on setting up your Aquarium to house. Are you solely going Fish Only with Live Rock or are you attempting to create a Nano Reef Aquarium housing Soft Corals or are you going to push the envelope such as myself and go SPS or LPS Nano Reef Aquarium? Personally I choose the 28 gallon Nano Cube HQI because of the stock Metal Halide Lighting, exposed Rear Chamber for easy addition of equipment or even conversion of one of the Baffles into a Refugium and that it came with two Pumps with a Wavemaker for constant or variable flow which was a plus for me since I wanted to keep SPS and LPS Corals. However, I would have loved to have the extra 6 gallon of Water volume and space that the Red Sea Max offers. So take that into consideration when choosing. All the models have their benefits and drawbacks so it difficult to say which one is better then the other and much easier to conclude which one fits the setup that you are attempting to achieve.