Wave Maker


New Member
Does anyone have a wave maker hook-up to their nano and can you discuss it? Did it really make a difference and problems encountered and resolved. Price and where purchased and kind of waves it produces. I just started to look into this and it's a little more difficult than I thought. Talk to me PLEASE!


New Member
There really isn't any such device for nanos. Unless you've got multiple PH in your nano. There are a couple timers that you can plug them into and it basically turns one on, then another one, then another one, etc... With this type of device you can get greater randomization by cutting off the round outlet nozzel on maxijets, because the impeller on them spins either direction depending on it's position when it stops.

There's been several DIY threads on different boards showing it. But most people don't have maxijets in their nanos.



New Member
I seen that and thought about adding another pump in the intake. I would probaly botch the job with the plastic. So I'm still thinking. Thanks for the info. How is that working out for you?


Staff member
I have one of them inm each of my nanocubes and I feel that they have helped reduce any areas without enough flow. The only problem I have had is that I have knocked them off of the return fitting a few times but thats no real problem. I did cut the flange off of one of them the other day with a sheetmtal nibbling tool, it worked out better than I thought it would and by removing the flange it definately gives me more room between the side of the tank and the deflector. Skip