too much light?


New Member
I'm working on a plan to downsize my current 65 gallon to a 20l. I had a 20gal reef years ago and really loved it. Anyway, What would be consider too much lighting? I have 2x175 14k MH System on my 65 right now. I'm going to run no top and chiller on the tank. if these are off the tank high enough would they be ok? Or am I just getting out of hand? I ran a 10 gallon with 150 MH and the only issue was I never could get the temp below 80 but, everything lived nicely until I went to the 65 and I'll be running a chiller. Also, Has anyone made a hood for MH out of wood or would it get too hot? Fans?


New Member
I would go with just one 175 watter on a 20L. I had a single 150 watter over my 20L back in the day and it was nice. The only thing is that the light doesnt reach all the way to the ends so there is a small amount of shading there. I just think TWO 175 watters would be way too much light for a 20L.

