Too much ballast?

I have two ARO AS-220 VHO ballasts laying around the house not getting used. They are rated to run two 55/65 watt CF bulbs each ballast. I originally bought them for a FW planted tank that never happened. So anyways, I have been planning to do a 29 gallon project and was going to ditch these ballasts and go T5. Well, now the plans have changed. I am now thinking of doing a ghetto 10 gallon reef tank since money has recently become an issue (bought my g/f an engagement ring :eek: ). The only thing that I will really need to buy for a 10g project will be the tank, a power head, bulbs, and some live sand. I have everything else. So my question is, can I use the ballasts designed to run 55/65 watt bulbs to run 36 watt bulbs? The reason being the 55/65w bulbs are 21" long and the 36w is only 17". Since the tank is 20", I would like to keep from having hang over to keep things looking a little cleaner.

Ritsuko N

New Member
Im no electrical engineer, but does have some and they sell this ballast and they can help you via phone, e-mail or on the internet using the live help feature and could probably easily solve your problem.
Yeah, I actually just talked one using the chat feature on their site and they say no go on the AS-220. I am either going with the DIY like above or DFS has the 96 watt Sunpaq quad light on sale so that might be my best option. Its the retro kit but only $75 with bulb.