Tips on shipping corals?


New Member
Can anyone give me any tips when shipping a colony on a 1-2 pound rock? I shipped small frags and that was easy but a colony with that much weight? Actually its going to be 2-3 colonies (each weighs about a pound or more) so that may make a diffrence.... Plus, any place on line to buy a stryofoam box and matching cardboard box online? Never did something this big before and wanted to get everyones opinion before making this a mess. Thanks


New Member
Never done it myself so I can't suggest anything but the styrofoam containers can usually be found at gas stations or larger grocery centers, like Walmart or Meyer...etc


New Member

The styrofoam containers have a cardboard box as a shell (meaning there is a seperate styrofoam that fits inside of a cardboard box)? I've never seen them there? I've seen small styrofoam coolers but not one for shipping hmmm I'll have to check that out. Thanks


New Member
islandcreation said:

The styrofoam containers have a cardboard box as a shell (meaning there is a seperate styrofoam that fits inside of a cardboard box)? I've never seen them there? I've seen small styrofoam coolers but not one for shipping hmmm I'll have to check that out. Thanks
Generally you want as little rock as possibe A) to help prevent damage in shipping to the zoas, B) the wastes from the die-off on the rock.

I have TONS of various sized boxes with styro liners... the largest are these...

Let me know if you want a couple and I can just ship them to you empty, you can pay the minimal shipping costs.



New Member
Jesse, thanks for the offer I will definatly want any boxes you can spare. PM me the cost and hopefully you have paypal so I can send the payment. Thanks


New Member
What sizes do you want? The larger ones or smaller ones? Ill find out how much it is to ship the empty boxes and I do have paypal.

I am not a shipping expert, but I would suggest trying to remove as much of the rock as possible and then just bag each frag individually and double or triple bag them... I am a little paranoid when it comes to shipping.




New Member

The lagest and whatever can fit in that after. I learnt to loosly wrap the coral with a flatten bag (meaing when the bags come new, their flat) so it acts like a protector. I've seen this at my LFS's in San Francisco, I guess it would work the same for shipping. Yeah, just PM me the amount (your paypal email too) and I'll send the payment. You wouldn't know where to purchase these just incase? Thanks


New Member
islandcreation said:
I learnt to loosly wrap the coral with a flatten bag
That works. It will also help protect the bags that it is bagged in as well.

islandcreation said:
You wouldn't know where to purchase these just incase?
Nope. I have heard of them being sold online, I dont know where though. Whoever is interested let me know though. I get these for free from the hospital I work at. I just grab them before they get thrown away. They are used for shipping meds and are very well insulated.



New Member
I give those away at my local swap meet. I would advise going to a hematology center (cancer treatment) My wife is cancer nurse and I can get all I need daily cause thats what the chemo' is shipped in.

Try a local cancer doctors office or the cancer floor of your local hospital. I bet you can get plenty.