Tips for buying live rock


New Member
Hi all! I'm setting up my first sw tank and would appreciate any tips on what to look for when buying live rock. Also, what would you consider a good price on some rock from someone tearing down their tank?

thanks for any help!


Staff member
:welcome to nanotank!

One of the first things to look for is to make sure it is not covered in nuisance algae like hair algae, bubble algae (valonia), etc. I would also want to know if the tank has ever been treated with copper because the copper gets into the pores of the LR and leaches back out over time. Having the copper leach back out means that it would be unsuitable to keep any kind of inverts because the copper will kill them. If the tank is currently set-up look for starfish, snails, shrimp, etc. if these are present you shouldn't have any copper worries but if it is set-up as a FOWLR then copper may have been used. It is also more desireable for the LR to be fully or almost completely covered in coralline algae but as long as some coralline is present and the rock isn't algae green it is okay. It should also smell like a fresh ocean smell if the tank is still up, if the tank has already been torn down and the LR has dried out it should be considered base rock because all of the beneficial bacteria has died off. The price depends on the color and condition of the LR along with the amount. I have seen LR sold from $2-$3 per pound on the average around my area but I think around half of the regualr price in your area would be a good rule of thumb with the exception of maybe really premium LR which you may pay a bit more for. Good luck.

Sugar Magnolia

New Member
I tend to go for rock that is porous over a heavier, densed piece of LR. Porous = more surface area for beneficial bacteria to inhabit.


Staff member
Another advantage to porous LR is that it will take less LR to fill your tank meaning less weight to fill the same area, this will make it cheaper to fill your tank with rock.


New Member
thanks for the great tips! very helpful! :) The current tankowner is selling the lr for $10-15/each with the longest being around 10" long. If I have some time, I'll check out a lfs to get an idea of size to weight. I'll try to check out different kinds of algae too so I know what I'm looking for.


Active Member
If you can order from Great Bay Aquarium in San Lorenzo California, it's great live rock and it's the cheapest I have ever seen, $3 dollars a pound.



Staff member
Premium Aquatics is a great store to deal with and they do sell nano LR but I would call and talk with someone there asnd tell them what you want you tank to look like and its size to help them pick LR to fit your needs. I haven't bought LR from them but I have bought other things and they don't mind helping you figure out what you need and answering questions.


New Member
Thanks for the links. One thing I like about buying from this person is that it's from an established tank so the rock is already long cured and I wouldn't have to worry about die off. I would think this would help when trying to cycle a new tank? Only downside is that they are trying to sell the whole tank in tact and so don't want to sell off any great pieces.