Tiny white bugs on glass


New Member
I've noticed some damn-near microscopic white "bugs" on the glass of my 24g Aquapod. I first noticed them when checking out the eggs one of my Nassarius snails had laid. At first I thought maybe some of them had hatched, but the little white things move like bugs, rather than snails. They stay up towards the top of the tank I've noticed, and just crawl around. Are these some kinds of 'pods? I've also noticed some pretty huge pods around the rocks and sand, they look almost like white pillbugs and some are about that size.

As for the tiny things, I don't have a camera with a macro lens so there's no point in trying to take pics..


New Member
cool, that's what I figured they were...sucks though, because my tank was infested with caulerpa that came from one little damn rock I got from a LFS awhile back. it had covered nearly every rock in my tank. I just spent the past couple hours taking out everything that had the caulerpa on it, salvaging what uninfested rock I can, then some more time with a net fishing out all the loose particles I could. I know it's very much possible to have missed just one little piece and it could come back but at least I got damn near every last one. hopefully I won't have too huge an ammonia/nitrate spike. I plan on getting some more water tomorrow and doing some water changes just in case


New Member
Caulerpa does have its benefits. You could probably control it with regular trimming/removal. A lot of people refuse to have it in the tank because of rapid growth, but it helps with water quality and "pod" life. Having a little on your rock doesn't have to be "bad."