Thread for coral


New Member
I have heard that you can tie down coral with thread. What is the best type to use? Cotton? Fishing line?...etc. I have a finger leather that I need to move rocks due to aptasia outbreak on the rock that its on and trying to find a way to hold it down.


New Member
i would use fishing line myself but cotton will work too. also can use rubber bands if needed, i have used them in the past and they have worked well too.


New Member
Nice thing about fishing line is that you can get the kind that dissolves after awhile so you don't have to go on a recovery mission in the tank.


New Member
do you typically put down superglue gel under something like a leather? I have used the gel on rics and button polyps and it has worked well but not sure on the leather.

buttons buster

New Member
If you superglue things to the glass and they die wouldn't you be stuck with a gruesome residue on the tank?
If so would there be any way to remove it?
Also random question:
How do you frag corals without them dieing, like what is the proper technique?


New Member
Q1. Normally you don't glue coral to the glass. You can use the superglue gel and glue them to the rocks. The SG Gel is waterproof and will cure underwater. Very handy.

Q2. You can remove most adhesives on glass with a flat razor blade. An exacto knife might work but the razor knife refill blades work best. They are the ones that look like a trapezoid. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS ON ACRYLIC...IT WILL SCRATCH IT TO HELL

Q3. It depends on the coral. With softies you can usually remove a branch or a trunk of the coral and glue it to a base (ie frag plug or LR rubble). Hard coral needs to have the base cut and it is somewhat a delicate process. Really it's not that hard once you do it a few times. I haven't done any hard coral but the softies are pretty easy to glue down.

BTW...i used 6lb test fishing line. They didn't have the stuff that dissolves. Then I glued the base down with the SG gel glue. It worked and my coral is starting to fill itself full of water now. It's about 1/2 drooped over but getting better.