Thermos Trading?


New Member
Was reading that people were trading coral/live sand/rock via thermos. If shipping within state, wouldn't this work? Or would the poor things get shook up too much? Anyone tried it, or why they wouldn't?


New Member
I see no reason why they wouldn't work. I used to ship glass sample jars to labs for my old work bubblewrapped in thermos. Keeps the temperature pretty stable and the things are really sturdy. I see you're in South Texas. I'm in Houston...I'll PM you my address when you're ready to try it out...hehehee =P~


New Member
Unfortunately, I don't have anything to trade. It seems I can never get into Corpus or SA so I was thing of going this route as an alt. How would xenia hold out in a thermos? Do you think it would survive the jostling? ( think Im going with that as a first coral)


New Member
Hmm...good question. Most people I talk to consider Xenia very hardy and say they grow like weeds in their tank and even require pruning. In my experience, Xenia is very sensitive to water parameters, etc and my last 2 frags have since 'melted' away.

I will say that they are a great coral and one of my favorites. I'd say give it a try.