New Member
My tank is overrun with caulerpa, which I know is bad stuff because it can go sexual (crash) and really screw up your water params. I've been trying to pull the stuff out in handfuls, but it's slow going. It has very tightly embedded itself through my rocks.
Well, just yesterday it went nutso on me. Most of it "died" - turned white, and the water was clouded with lots of green. I did an immediate large water change, hoping to minimize the damage, and I siphoned out all of the wilted white caulerpa. Everybody seems fine today, so far. Is there anything else I should or could do? Any way to get rid of caulerpa?
Well, just yesterday it went nutso on me. Most of it "died" - turned white, and the water was clouded with lots of green. I did an immediate large water change, hoping to minimize the damage, and I siphoned out all of the wilted white caulerpa. Everybody seems fine today, so far. Is there anything else I should or could do? Any way to get rid of caulerpa?